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I stood outside Paris' house for a moment, scared to enter. I had talked to her about coming to spend the night before my meeting tomorrow, but I was instantly regretting it. Pull it off quick, like a Band-aid. I knocked briefly while turning the key and walking into the house.

"Paris" I yelled up the stairs "are you here?"

"Rory!" I heard a distant voice respond from up the stairwell "I'll be right down."

I plopped myself down in one of the arm chairs and tried to relax. I heard the heels on the wood stairs descending, and my heart started beating faster. It was too late to run, so I just sat there trying to look casual.  

"Hey so you sounded weird on the phone. Is everything okay?" She turned and faced me "Holy crap. You're pregnant."

"How did you?" I couldn't even get the whole thought out without her putting her hand up.

"Rory, this is what I do for a living. What six weeks along?" she said sitting on the couch facing opposite me.

"Seven" I responded.

"I've got to hand it to him, I didn't think Paul had it in him. Does he know? Did he propose?" she shot the questions rapid fire.

"It's not" I looked down at the table between us. "It's not Paul's. I haven't told the father yet."

"Oh I'm sorry I just assumed."

"We broke up a week or so ago, but we haven't seen each other in ages."

"He was bland. You deserve more than bland."

"Thanks, I think."

"So who? Oh God please don't tell me it's, what was it that he wanted you to call him, Lord Commander?"

"Master and Commander. It's not-"

"Holy crap! Why have I not put this together yet? You're seeing Huntzberger" she accused.

"I'm not-"

"Don't play dumb with me Gilmore. You've been in London all the time."

"I have not" I insisted.

"And you brought up seeing the three stooges lately."

"I think they might actually like that nickname Paris."

"I'm actually more mad at the fact that I didn't realize this earlier. I've been a bit distracted lately" she said giving herself the excuse.

"It's not something we've been particularly public with" I finally admitted.

"So how long have you two been doing the nasty?"

"I am definitely not answering that question."

"Don't be a prude Hester" she scolded.

"Ouch" I responded.

"That is benign compared to what his family's yacht club friends are going to say about you."

I winced "uggh you're right."

"So when are you going to tell him?"

"I haven't figured that part out yet."

"Well you better figure it out and quick."

"It's not that easy Paris. It's complicated."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes but-"

"Well then it's not complicated" she interrupted.

"Do you love Doyle?" I quipped back.

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