How Would You Feel

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"I'm pregnant"

I just couldn't keep it in anymore. Saying the words out loud some how made it more real. I waited for her to respond, but  she just sat there looking at me.

"Mom?" I asked nervously.

"How?" she said looking disappointed and confused "Well I mean I know how, but I mean how did this happen?"

"I don't know" I said weakly "I've screwed everything up."  

"Oh hon" she said as she slid closer to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry"

"Hey, don't you be sorry. This is a good thing."

"You think?"

"Oh I know kid. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, hands down. There's no doubt in my mind that you are going to feel exactly the same way."

"Thanks mom" I said giving her a hug.

"Alright, are you going to give me the details or will I have to read about them in your book?" she smiled.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to go into details yet."

"But you'll tell me when you are?" she said looking concerned.

"You'll be the first to know"

We went back to the house to try and get some sleep before the celebration. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about the whole evening. It was beautiful. It seemed somewhat perfect that my mom and Luke in their slightly unorthodox existence decided to elope just hours before their actual wedding. I smiled at the thought of how happy my mom looked when she was standing there, ready at last to marry Luke. They were a perfect match.

I scrolled through my phone and landed on his number. I looked back at old text messages, happy sweet sentiments sent back and forth. The correspondence was filled with  'I miss you', 'when does your flight land?', and 'can't wait to see you'. I wondered if he had ever looked back at these messages and the thought that he probably had deleted them in case Odette were to see put a giant knot in my stomach. I started to type a text for him to call me but knowing he would call me immediately, I decided I should wait. I still wasn't ready to go into the details, especially not with him.

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