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The wedding was beautiful. My mom and Luke kept smiling at one another in amusement of the fact that they were in fact married several hours before. The crowd cheered raucously as they shared their 'first kiss' as a married couple. My mom looked beautiful in her tea length gown with lace fitted bodice and full skirt. She raised her hands triumphantly towards her guests when they were announced as husband and wife. Luke held tightly onto her hand and never stopped staring at her, the admiration in his eyes was vivid. The two walked down the gazebo steps, which was my cue to exit. Jess gently took my hand and wrapped it around his arm and led me down the stairs. I felt the tears thick in my eyes and was thankful he was there to help guide me back down the aisle.

"You doing okay?" he asked handing me his handkerchief from his suit jacket pocket.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just an emotional day. Since when do you carry a handkerchief?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"It came with the suit" he said smiling.

I dried my eyes quickly and handed it back to him "Thanks for that"

"Come on beautiful wedding party, let's go take pictures so we can finally get something to eat" my mom said and quickly ran off.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jess asked me looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, come on we can't keep the happy couple waiting" I said walking off towards where my mother and Luke were standing.

I successfully painted a smile on my face for pictures and made it through hugging and saying hello to most of the wedding guests. I got a club soda from the bar wishing that I had something stronger to help me with my toast. They shared their first dance, both so wrapped up in each other they barely noticed everyone else watching them. Luke led them off the dance floor and to their table. I got my cue from Lane that it was my turn.

"Hello everyone, I am Rory Gilmore for those who don't know, Lorelai Gilmore the beautiful bride is my mom" my voice was shaking but I continued "Mom there is so much more I share with you than my name. I share your coffee addiction and love of junk food. I share your taste in music and movies. I share your ability to talk a mile a minute. In addition to all the things I share with you already there is a list of things that I strive to share with you. Your ability to bring laughter and fun into every situation. Your strength, but mostly your propensity for love. You love with every fiber of your being. Though many thought they were worthy, I didn't think that there was anyone deserving of that until I saw you with Luke. Luke you have always been a person in my life that I could count on. You are kind and generous, but most important you are patient. You waited for my mom. Waited for a time when the two of you could be ready to be with each other with such mutual devotion and admiration. I see the way you look at my mom. I know that how fierce she loves, you match it. I know it wasn't the easiest road to get the two of you here"

"You can say that again toots" Babette yelled which was followed by hearty laughter.

I smiled and continued "but the best journeys have some bumps along the road. You both are so deserving of all the happiness in the world and it brings me such joy to see you two together. I love you both."

My mom was eagerly waiting with tears in her eyes to give me a hug after I walked back to their table. She wrapped her arms around me and Luke hugged the both of us.

Luke cleared his throat "That was some speech Rory. Thank you."

"Luke cried"

"I did not. You cried" he said defensively.

"Oh come here both of you" I said reaching up for another hug "I really am so very happy for you."

"We know sweets"

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