Chapter 14

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A/N: OMG GUYS! Haven't been updating for 8 goddamn months ! Jfc- Anyhow, I've gotten so much inspiration lately, I'll probably update a lot :3. But eh, let's get on into this chapter >u>

~no pony's POV~
"What do ya mean, going into Equestria?" Applejack asks confused.
"I'll explain later, but we have to go now! And we need to take Rainbow with us..." Twilight says.
A few minutes later, they're finally at Canterlot High so they can go into the portal.
"Do you think this is a good idea?" Rarity asks scared.
"Nothing will happen. Besides, everypony- I mean everybody is probably busy so they won't have time to pay attention to you guys." Twilight says, trying to convince them to keep with this plan.
"Okay.. just follow me." And that's when Twilight leads them into the portal, going to a brand new world.
As they went in the mirror, they finally end up at the floor of Twilight's big castle.
"What the hay? We're all ponies!" Applejack says, looking at herself in the mirror.
Everypony giggles.
"I look gorgeous!" Rarity says, pushing Aj away from the mirror to look at herself.
"Guys, we're here to bring Dash alive," Sunset reminds them. "And we don't want to cause too much noise because they'll probably find out we're here."
No pony noticed, but Twilight already seems to be looking for something in her library.
"Found it!" she says proudly holding a book.
Everyone gathers around and look at curiously at their smart friend, whom is still reading the introductions of the book.
"Okay guys," Twilight starts. "We have to gather around Dash in a circle, we have to hold our hoofs together and you guys have to repeat the things I say."
Everypony nodded. Twilight starts saying things, as her friends repeat her.
"It's been five minutes," Applejack starts to tear up. "I guess it didn't work..."
"We still have hope! It can take one to sixty minutes!" Pinkie Pie smiles. Good thing there's a positive girl in the room. What would they be without her?
And then something catches every pony's eyes. Rainbow was randomly rising. Lights fills the room and she starts waking up.
"Dash!" Twilight runs up to her and hugs her. The other ponies seems to be confused. But they had a group hug anyway.
"Guys, I'm so happy and all, but where am I?" Rainbow says, happy to be alive.
Seems like Twilight is the only one who is able to explain since she lives here.
"But I have one question..." Rainbow starts after her friend explained something. "Why doesn't everypony do this spell to keep everyone alive?"
"Because it only works if another creature is visiting Equestria."
They are all confused but it didn't matter. Rainbow is alive and they're all very happy.

After a few hours of having fun, they thought it would be a good idea to go back into their own world because of how much happened.
"It was fun to visit this pony world," Fluttershy says smiling.
"Yeah. It was great visiting my old place again." Sunset adds.
"No no. I have to thank you guys!" Twilight smiles.
"Twi, thanks for coming to our world and save me. You're all my heroes." Rainbow Dash says with tears in her eyes. She could've been dead, but her Angel of friends saved her life.
They hug each other one last time as they leave the magical world.

When they were back in their own world, everybody went their own way to go back home. Except Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
"Rainbow... Look, I'm so sorry for slapping you and hurting ya! It's just that that son of a bitch put me under a kind of spell and I couldn't control it! I'm sorry..." Applejack cries.
"Don't apologise!" Rainbow hugs her friend, feeling bad for her.
"Rainbow... I'm so glad you survived it..." Aj smiles with tears.
"Me too. Thanks to my living angels I'm still alive." Rainbow blushes at her own words because she never really uses words like these. But it doesn't matter, because her friend is blushing as well.
"Aj, there's something I need to tell you..."

A/N: fuckin bad chapter, am I right? Yeahhh. Again, sorry for not updating! New update will probably come out either tomorrow or Sunday, idk yet and ya know. Anyway, ty for reading ily guys! ❤

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