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Dallon had seemed to be healing fantastically since he woke up and he was slowly regaining his strength. I was happy that he was getting better, and he wasn't permanently damaged. Dallon didn't really get any visitors other than the guys and Breezy, he had lost his family years ago and didn't have many friends. I guess Dallon was somehow finding a way to tolerate her. I found out that the night of the accident, Dallon was heading to a motel to stay, which made me wonder where he would stay now.

"Dallon, where do you plan to go after you check out of here?" I asked. 

"I don't know, I guess I might have to move in with Breezy again," he replied. 

"While things are still rocky between you two?" I questioned. 

"Well, I don't have a job, they aren't necessarily going to keep a man in a coma as a worker, so I can't afford a motel room. I don't know who else I could stay with," he answered. 

"You can stay with me, I live alone, I got a guest room, it wouldn't be any trouble at all," I informed. 

"Are you sure? I won't be able to pay you rent or anything like that," he disclosed. 

"You don't need to worry about that, I am a nurse, I make good money, I really don't mind. You are like my best friend now, I don't want to lose touch with you," I reassured. 

"Really?" He blushed. "More than Pete?"

"Yes, Dallon, Pete may be one of my best friends, but he can be annoying sometimes," I admitted. "But I've gotten really close to you, of course, you're my best friend. You are welcome at my house anytime." 

"Thanks, Bren," he smiled cutely. 

"You're welcome, Dal-Pal," I grinned back. 

"Are any of the guys coming today?" Dallon asked randomly. 

"I don't know, maybe Pete, he hasn't been here a couple days, he'll be needing his fix," I laughed. 

Dallon giggled, "He is my number one fan, maybe I should give him my autograph."

"He would probably cherish it forever," I joked. 

"Probably," Dallon agreed. 

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Pete suddenly said out of nowhere, he was standing at the doorway. 

"Sometimes, I really do believe you ARE the devil," I replied. 

"Bitch, I know I am," Pete sassed. 

"Hey, Pete!" Dallon said, smirking at me. "Brendon said that I am his best friend now, you have been replaced." 


"What? It's not like I'm your best friend, that's Patrick and you know it!" I replied. 

"STILL!" He shouted. "That's it, I'm taking custody of Dallon, you can't take care of him anymore. I will be his legal guardian now and then I can be your best friend again." 

"No! He is mine! I'm taking you to court!" I yelled back. 

"You don't deserve him! I am taking him!" Pete replied loudly. 

"He already said he would live with me, I'm taking custody of him. He is staying with me, not you!" I argued. 

"Why don't we just have Dallon decide who he will go with?" Pete questioned. 

"Okay," I smirked, I knew he would pick me. "Dallon, which of us do you like more, me or Pete?" 

"Sorry, Pete, it's gotta be Brendon," Dallon murmured. 

"WHAT?!" Pete screamed once again. "You guys are jerks." 

"Pete, we still love you," I said. 

"Do you really?" He asked. 

"Well, not when you scream at us," I answered. 

"Whatever, I am heading to the cafeteria for some food, do you guys want to come?" Pete announced. 

"Sure, Dallon, do you want to?" I asked. 

"Yeah," He replied and I walked over to his bed. He could mostly walk by himself, but this was a long distance and he was still a little shaky. He stood up and I wrapped my arm around his waist, this was my favorite part about walking with Dallon, even though his height made it difficult to support him properly.

"Aww, look how cute you two are," Pete teased, and I blushed.

"C'mon, let's go, guys," I said, walking forward and pulling Dallon along. 

"I'll race you guys to the cafeteria!" Pete exclaimed, getting ready to sprint there.

"Pete, that wouldn't be fair, I have to help Dallon walk," I whined. 

"I know, that's why I want to, because I know I'll win," Pete smirked. 

"Fine, you can run, Dallon and I will go at a normal pace, you can wait for us to get there," I replied. 

"You guys are lame," Pete sighed. 

"Then why are you still here?" Dallon asked. 

"Because Patrick isn't at home right now and I'm bored," Pete answered. 

"Wow, I feel the love, nice to know you only came to see us because you can't be with Patrick at the moment," I sassed. 

"You two are the sassiest people I have ever met," Dallon said before Pete could say anything. 

"You should see Gerard when he gets to sassing people," Pete replied. 

"Yeah, Gee is the sass master," I agreed.  

We walked into the cafeteria and grabbed our food, sitting at a random table. I waved at Dr. Dan Pawlovich and Dr. Ian Crawford as they walked past us. 

"So, Dallon, how is actually being able to eat food yourself and not through a feeding tube?" Pete blurted, a strange look crossed Dallon's face. 

"Good, I guess..." Dallon said slowly. "I don't really know what the feeding tube was like as I was in a coma and I didn't really even notice." 

"Oh, well, you kinda communicated with us, so I figured you would know," Pete muttered. 

"No, I didn't even notice it," Dallon replied. 

"Weird," Pete said. "So, why are you going to live with B, Dal? Why don't you just go home?"

"Well, I lived with Breezy, and Bren offered to let me live there instead of me going to her house while our relationship is still on the rocks," he answered. 

Pete smirked at me, knowing exactly why I wanted Dallon to be away from Breezy, "Isn't Brendon nice?"

"Yeah, he's great," Dallon smiled at me. 

"He really is, isn't he?" Pete replied, continuing to smirk at me as I blushed.

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