Already Gone

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My phone clattered down on the floor loudly, I started shaking and my heart stopped in terror. Pete's face paled and he stared at me. 

"What is it, B?" He asked cautiously. 

"She has him," I whispered. "We have to get him back! We have to get him before she hurts him!" 

I couldn't lose Dallon, not when I just got him. I didn't even get to tell him I loved him yet. Why was this happening to us? Dallon deserved the world, not to be kidnapped by his ex-girlfriend who wants to kill him. 

"Okay, stay calm, Brendon. We need to call the police immediately," Pete responded. 

I quickly dialed 911 and waited for someone to respond, "911, what's your emergency?"

"My boyfriend has been kidnapped by his ex-girlfriend," I rushed out. 

"Are you positive it was his ex-girlfriend?" The operator asked. 

"Yes, she called me from his phone, she isn't supposed to be with him. We have a restraining order against her," I informed. "She has been threatening to kill him, so we need to act as fast as we can." 

"Okay, sir, can you tell me the names of your boyfriend and his ex?" She said. 

"My boyfriend is named Dallon Weekes, and his ex is named Breezy Douglas," I informed. 

"When did he get kidnapped?" She questioned. 

"A few minutes ago, I left him alone for a minute and he was gone, nowhere to be found," I answered. 

"Okay, so they could still be nearby, what is your location?" She asked and I told her we were at the hospital, then she sent out a few police officers.

I described to the police officers what Dallon and Breezy looked like as soon as they arrived. I described to them what Breezy's car looked like, and what was happening when I last saw Dallon. They wrote down this information and began searching the area for them and any evidence.

"Hey, you guys are gonna want to look at this!" One of the officers, Officer Toro, shouted. We all quickly ran over to him to see what he found, when we made it over to him, there were small drops of blood on the ground. It was near one of the exits by the emergency rooms. 

"Dallon, I hope you're okay," I whispered. 

. . .

(Dallon's POV)

I was sitting out in the hallway, waiting for Brendon and Pete to come back from visiting Patrick. I felt nervous sitting alone, yes, there were many doctors and nurses but they were all busy and not paying attention to their surroundings. After a little bit, I stood up, starting to walk towards the room Patrick was in when I felt something pressed against my back. 

"Try anything and I will shoot you right here, right now," Breezy growled behind me. "Walk towards the exit, don't draw attention to us." 

I walked outside calmly and stopped, I looked around through my peripheral vision and saw many obstacles I could hide behind, cars and such. I figured I should run, if she shot me, I was at a hospital, hopefully, they would be able to save me. I walked forward a few steps calmly, then I began to run, making a short distance, until I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

"I told you I would shoot you, Dallon, but you didn't listen. You are coming with me, if you like it or not," She snapped, stomping over to me and grabbing my arm, pulling me beside her, pain ripping through my shoulder as she did so. She pulled me to her car, shoving me into the backseat, locking the doors so they couldn't be opened from the inside. She got into the driver's seat and sped away from the hospital. 

"You are going to stay with me, Dallon, I'm not allowing you to be away from me. That Brendon caused all our problems. We would have been fine if it wasn't for him," she spat. We eventually made it to an unfamiliar house out in the country. Breezy parked the car and yanked open the door to the backseat. "Get out and walk inside the house, don't try to run or I'll shoot you again, and it'll be worse than your shoulder."

She followed right behind me into the house, and she directed me to go downstairs to the basement. I started down the steps when she stopped me. She confiscated my phone from me and walked back out of the basement. She closed the door behind me and locked it, leaving me alone in the dark. I walked down the steps, blindly feeling the walls looking for a light switch. My shoulder hurt incredibly, it needed medical attention. All I wanted was Brendon, here to comfort me and to help take care of my shoulder. 

When I finally found one, the room was lit up very dimly. There were no windows, there was a cheap mattress on the floor, a small bathroom, and a mini-fridge barely filled. There were a couple of water bottles and a Lunchable. Was she serious? A Lunchable? I sat down on the mattress, not having anything to do. She couldn't even leave me anything to do? Or help me with my shoulder?

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door with my good arm, "Hey, if you are going to keep me here can you at least remove this bullet from my shoulder or something?"

All I got was silence, so I banged harder on the door, "If you loved me, you wouldn't let me suffer with a bullet in my shoulder, so please help me!" 

After a few minutes, I sighed and began to walk back downstairs. Then I heard the door unlock and slightly crack open, I turned back to look towards it. 

"Let me get the stuff and we'll take it out," she sighed. 

I walked down the stairs and sat down on the mattress, preparing myself for the pain of removing the bullet from my shoulder. After a few minutes, Breezy came down the stairs. 

"Go sit by the stairs," she commanded. "I don't trust you to not run off right now, so I need to tie you up, or you will have to continue dealing with that bullet in your shoulder." 

I reluctantly did as she said, she tied my arms behind me to the rail of the stairs, and finally began the painful process of removing the bullet. 



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