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I woke up the next morning to the smell of food. Oh how I missed moms breakfasts.
C- good morning, momma.
I kissed my mom on the cheek.
M- good morning sweetie. What do you want to do today?
C- well first I want to eat some of these waffles you made and then I was thinking we could go do something? But you can pick.
M- well how about we do a girls day? Go put on a cute sporty outfit and tie your hair back. I'll make some calls and we can do a ton of stuff.
C- omg mom I love you!!!
I ran upstairs and started getting ready. I put on black leggings, a Maverick tank top, my white nikes and I double Dutch braided my hair. When I was all done, I headed back downstairs.
C- so ma what are we doing?
M- nope, it's a surprise.
C- fineeeee
We hopped in the car and headed out. The first stop was Starbucks. Mom already ordered my venti very berry hibiscus refresher and her iced latte. We were in the car for another twenty minutes and we pulled up to a sports complex.
C- uhhhh mom? What are we doing here?
C- no freaking way.
We ran inside and put all of our gear on. We rock climbed for about an hour and a half and left.
C- mom that was sooooo much fun!
M- you're going to love the next stop!
C- there's more?! You have to be kidding me!
M- no way. I love to spoil my daughter. It's the fun part of being a mom.
We drove for a little more and came to a spa. We went inside and got a couples massage (lol it's kinda weird that it's my mom but she kinda birthed me soooo it's not that weird now that I think about it) and then we got our nails done.
C- thank youuuuu! I love you so so so so so much mom!
M- that's more I love you's than I've ever heard your brothers say. EVER. Well, maybe Jake. Logan says I love you a lot.
We both laughed and I realized how much I missed Logan.
C- hey, wanna FaceTime Lo?
I called Logan, and to my luck, Jack picked up.
Ja- hey, beautiful.
C- can I talk to Logan?
Ja- you don't want to talk to your favorite boy?
I saw Zach hit him from the side.
Ja- oh, sorry Mom.
Jack quickly handed the phone off to Logan.
L- HEY SIS, HEY MA. I miss you guys.
M- we miss you too sweetie.
L- hey. C are you coming back to the house?
C- I don't know yet. I might stay with mom for another week or so. Not sure. Why?
L- uhhhh I know you don't want to hear this but the boys miss you.
C- look, I don't care right now. Do you guys not realize that I'm heartbroken?! I JUST FREAKING BROKE UP WITH DANIEL LAST NIGHT BECAUSE HE WAS CHEATING ON ME AND YOU GUYS THINK I WANT TO FACE THEM?! I CANT OKAY?!
Jack, Corbyn and Jonah were now surrounding Logan and every. single. person. looked. terrified.
C- I'm sorry. I gotta go.
I started bawling. Mom drove to the store and ran in while I sat in the car, still crying. When we got home, she handed me a spoon and a tub of ice cream.
M- why didn't you tell me? I could have been there for you Cece.
C- it's embarrassing.
M- how is being cheated on embarrassing? You didn't do anything wrong.
My phone started to ring. I noticed it was Zach. I answered.
C- yes?
Z- are you okay? I heard about your meltdown earlier.
C- greattttt now everyone knows. Yeah, I'm fine. I just...... I gotta go.
Z- WAIT! Before you hang up, check your front door. I have something waiting there for you. Love you, C.
I hung up and walked to the front door. I opened it and outside my door was......

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