The Plan

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"MURTAGH!!" Murtagh groaned in frustration, turning on the small raggedy bed. "MURTAGH!! WAKE UP!!"

"Go away Thorn!" Murtagh shouts mentally back to his dragon.

"The Ministry officals will be there soon!" Thorn snarked back.

"You are evil you know that? Murtagh grumbled, sitting up. Allies, I hope? Not Potter, or Dumbledore?

No! Thron's intense displeasure of Dumbledore and the Potter's trangressions raging hot through the bond. Murtagh whimpered at the intensity. Sorry, Thorn apologize.

It's fine, I am fine. Don't worry about it. Murtagh got himself dressed in his clothes, which consisted of a faded grey t shirt and faded blue jeans. He washed his hair, body, and teeth. Basically morning procedure. Than he sat in his window seal, and snatched a book from under his bed. Thorn had been regularly sneaking into the Wizarding world, and stealing teaching and training books for him, so that he could get a full handle on his powers, both types. His wizarding powers, and his Dragon Powers, which flowed through his skin and cells, but not his blood like the Wizard powers.

Well, then, you can stand up, and you can meet them.

What good is it going to do? I mean, the wizarding world has shunned me for a total of six years. Not to mention a whole nine years where I have been thrust into this good for nothing orphanage. Murtagh thought dejectedly.

"MURTAGH MORZANSSON!" Thorn shouted through the bond. "You are so close to your revenge. That Potter family, and Dumbledore are about to get their rightful due of horror, and you want to throw it all out? We have been planning this for as long as I can remember. Don't give it up now!"

"You are right. I do not know what came over me. I am just really nervous."

"I know. I am here."

Thank you.

Murtagh waited, his room door opening quite suddenly, no knock, nothing

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Murtagh waited, his room door opening quite suddenly, no knock, nothing. The Matron stepped in, and two men behind her. One with long blonde hair, the other with shoulder length black hair. murtagh eyed them suspiciously, but turned his attention to the woman.

"What do you want, Madam?" Murtagh asked, making sure to use the honorific.

"These two men wish to speak with you." She said dismissively, as if she could care less, which, in all honesty, was probably true, however sad it was.

"Why..." The Matron silenced him with a glare.

"You will speak with them." Murtagh grit his teeth, but remained silent, he nodded his head, sighing. He would have anyways, but it was always good to put up a front. After all, Murtagh did not want to make things easy for them, or too suspicious.

"I will leave you now." The matron closed the door.

"You must be Murtagh Morzansson." The blonde said. Murtagh looked at him through narrowed eyes.

"Yes, I am. And what do you want with me?" He asked, voice quiet, but deadly.

"We simply wish to ask you a few questions, and than offer you a place at our school."

"What sort of school?"

"A magic school." The black haired man said. "I am Professier Tiberius Snape, and this is Abraxas Malfoy. We are teachers at Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Murtagh scoffed.

"And why now? I have been learning magic myself on my own for years. I even managed to save up enough to by a wand and began practicing with that, while buying books when I can. Why do you want me to attend your school now? I am sixteen. I assume that is not the typical age that one goes to this school of yours. It would not be practical. I have only myself to attend with, but my abilities showed up years ago. It would make no sense to start recruiting now."

"No, indeed it would not." Blondie said. "The truth was, that some very powerful and influential people have been trying to keep you secret."

"Why because I am a Morzansson? And a Potter?" They froze in shock. Murtagh laughed bitterly. "I am not completely daft. I knew something was up. So I began wandering around London. I found this pub thing that people just kept walking past. At first I thought it was a conicedence, but I never really believed in those, so I decided to go in and lo and behold, a brand new world. I have been going through that alley for years now. Learning what I can, keeping up to date. Even found an old library in Knockturn alley. Managed to smuggle several books out at a time. Not really that difficult actually." Murtagh's voice got quieter as if he could not believe the inadequate security. "Anyways, found out my heritage, and where I came from, as well as my lineage, and all of that. I know that my Uncle abandoned me, and considering their chums with Dumbledore the git, they probably worked together. Got confirmation of that when the blasted idiot made a speech about it. I apparantely 'died' but I think we all know that is obviously not true. Pretty interesting family history and all that." The stared at the boy in shock.
"What?" Murtagh snapped. "I was alone, I found out I could do creepy things, and I knew what was going on, I mean, I was seven, seven when my so called 'family' threw me out for money. Money. And fame. You honestly think that I was not going to learn everything I could? I am not an idiot. I knew my mum's first name, and my dad's. I learned everything I could about them. I had heard of the strange alley ways filled with magic. I knew how to piece two and two together. And currently, I probably know more about pureblood laws and heritage rights, as well as magic and spells and the rules of dueling and all such things than anyone else in my pathetic family. So, forgive me. It was not like I was going to simply live my entire life without realizing what was going on. I am not that stupid. Please." Murtagh huffed. "Besides, once I turned of age, I was going to have a blood test done anyways. I will get my revenge." Murtagh said savagely. "And I will do whatever I need to to attain it, and they will fall to the ground in their so called righteousness, and everyone will see how pathetic they really are!" Tiberius and Abraxsas were smiling widely, and eyes were glinting.

"Well, than, allow us to help you with that." They said.

"You would do that?" he asked, eyes filled with hope.

"Oh, yes" Snape said. "We have had about enough of Dumbledore. The man is a cheat, a favoritable jerk, and a manipulative ass. He is the worst person to have as headmaster, but he manages to convince everyone that he is harmless, everyone by the Slytherin Noble Houses. Everyone else, however, follows him blindly. You will be the perfect person to unseat Dumbledore, and prove just how cruel he is willing to be to gain power." Murtagh smiled dangerously.

"And we take revenge on Potter House? Make them crumble, make their fortress fall, and return me to my rightful place?" He asked.

"Oh, most certainly."

"Well, then, let's make a plan!"

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