Dealing with Slytherin 5th years

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Go away Thorn. Murtagh groaned in his sleep. The Slytherin dorm rooms were quite exquisite, but Murtagh was more concerned about sleeping, reaching his equilibrium than anything else.

You are going to be laaatee!

Thorn, do you want me to castrate you when we meet again?

Like you could. Please, you are too kind.

Really? That is what you believe? Where have you been the last several years?

Okay, nasty to your enemies, and I have done nothing to make me your enemy. SO! You would never harm me, at least not too badly. Come on Murtagh.

Go. Away. Thorn.

You are going to be late for school.

That was what did it. Murtagh bolted up out of bed and growled at Thorn.

You know, you could have started with that sentence!

Yes, I do.

You are horrible.

No I am not.

No you are not, but still, do not do that again, please.

Fine, I will make sure not to do that.

Thank you. Murtagh grumbled to his dragon whilst getting ready for the first day of school. He slipped on his robes, and shoved his books into his book bag, before walking towards the door.

Remember to keep your equilibrium. I will pull you if your emotions reach dragon level

Not that you have much of a choice. But thank you anyways.

Murtagh waltzed through the door and elegantly walked down the stairs, landing quietly on the floor, easily.

A group of the 5th year Slytherin house turned to stare at him. Murtagh, hiding his uncomfort at the attention, sneered and his eyes darkened in their blue depths, a threat, a promise.

"And why..." His eyes raked every one of the Slytherins staring. "Exactly," Putting emphasis on the word, his voice quiet, and yet somehow able to carry throughout the entire room. "Are you staring at me?" He asked, his dangerously darkened blue eyes raking over every person. "Well?" He asked, eyes flashing darker. The small group lowered their eyes and began whispering. Murtagh rolled his eyes, and strode purposefully down the room and through the door, the 5th years moving out of his way. He smirked to himself, pleased.

You could have been slightly less intimidating. Came Thorn's voice.

You are right, but that is the point you see?

No, I do not. Came Thorn's typically blunt response.

Gossip. Now, word will spread of my malicious aura, and yet, to everybody else, I will be a harmless boy. It will look like simple gossip, and so will be fooling everybody. Those moronic Gryffs have no idea what has happened come to them. Both Thorn and he chuckled darkly.

Murtagh finally made it to the breakfast hall, and he slid gracefully into his seat, ignoring the stares of most of the gryffindors, mostly the Marauders, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, and the worst of the worst, at least to Murtagh, James Potter. Murtagh ignored them, and simply put food upon his plate, and began to eat. He kept his head down, and his eyes on his plate.

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