Ponderings of Lord Slytherin

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To say that Lord Slytherin was not happy was an understatement. Though, he was mixed about it.

He was angry that the boy had insulted him, and challenged him all at once, but he was also impressed. He was not sure which he should act on. On the one hand, he did not wish to tolerate misconduct, and knowing that this child had deliberately insulted him and challenged his authority made his blood boil.

But then there was the fact that he had figured it out in the first place. He could admit that not many would be capable of figuring out deceit from Lucius and Severus. The fact that he had was astounding.

So was the fact that he had a dragon.

To say he was shocked, well, he was just shocked. He had been shocked speechless. SPEECHLESS! That never happened, and certainly not to him.

When Lucius and Severus had first come to him to request more time in figuring the boy out, he had been rather frustrated and aggravated that they even needed more time. Now, now he could see it had paid off, well. Incredibly well, he was quite happy with their knowledge of the boy.

And the Potters? Lord Slytherin had been waiting for forever to try and knock them off the band wagon. This was the perfect opportunity. The fact that this boy was not only a Potter and Morzansson, but the heir to both fortunes and titles and lands? The fact that Charlus Potter had deliberately dropped this poor child off at an orphanage just so that his own son could inherit the lands and fortune? And that Dumbledore had allowed this to happen? This was a disaster in the making! And a perfectly lovely one as well! If he could plan it out right, he would be capable of overthrowing Dumbledore's pathetic Phoenix Party for good. And the Black Knight Party also known as the Voldermort party, otherwise known as his political party, would reign supreme.

If there was one thing that the Courts hated, it was falsely naming an heir when the current heir is still alive, and you know full well that said heir is still alive. People cannot stand that. Not only that, but Charlus Potter pretty much damned himself the moment that he had decided to abandon the kid, the several years old kid.

So reckless endagerment of the Magical world would be another tick in his rapt sheet.
The boy had been a good six or seven years old by then. Magic already showing in abundance if what Morzan had been talking about was true. There was no way that Murtagh would not have previous memories of the magical world, which meant he could have gone blabbing to the wrong muggle and endangered them all, as well as show them his magic without knowing that it was wrong. How was a seven year old supposed to know the laws of no magic in front of muggles? He could not be held accountable if he did.

Not only that, but Charlus was bound, by duty, to ensure the safety and care of his nephew, which he had clearly not done in any way shape or form, so that was another tick on his ever growing convictions.

Nobody liked it when a child was abused because of the negligence of a family member. And from what Lord Slytherin had heard from Lucius and Tiberius, the boy was a natural actor. Oh, yes, he could use to this to his advantage.

Now, about the dragon. It was thought, throughout the Wizarding World, that the dragon familiars had died with Morzan.

Morzan had been the last known person who had had a Dragon Familiar. And he was also the first in several hundred years. Dragons were very, very, picky with whom they bonded themselves with. There was only a handful of known cases in which a witch or wizard has had a Dragon familiar, and as it were, only one or two female witches had been known to have Dragon Familiars. No muggleborns, or halfbloods had ever bonded with a dragon familiar before. And only the Ancient Houses and the Noble houses Purebloods had had them bonded with them. Purebloods of several generations. Pure magical blood, it was not something to be taken lightly. Many pure blood wizards were incredibly powerful magically, and not to be taken lightly.

From what Lord Slytherin could tell, this boy had extreme potential, and was most especially a slytherin, of all sorts. The kid manipulated the Minister of Magic into setting up a charity for Orphaned Magical Children? That, that was difficult. Even Dumbledore had trouble manipulating the old bugger to do much, and when he did, there was always that bit of mistrust that the minister held for everyone.

This boy had gotten past that, it was remarkable. His skills unparallell. Now he just had to test them. Preferably against Potter and his band of miscreants. Dumbledore's chosen four.

And he had the perfect plan in which to do so.

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