Trouble in Plans

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Dumbledore was known for foolishness, but nobody, except perhaps Tom Riddle-now known as Lord Slytherin-knew of his incredible manipulative tendancies, and his extravagent plans. Tom and his followers had been trying to make Dumbledore's political party fall for years, and had failed constantly, come close a fair few times, but always, always, failed in the end. This...but this had the ability to create the fall of everything Dumbledore had worked towards. It was one of Dumbledore and the Potter family's biggest secrets. Their best kept secret. How it had been figured out, was a mystery, but one Dumbledore resolved to figure out. After all, this could not go unknown, if he had a traitor in his midst. And why had Dumbledore not been informed of any search parties that the Ministry was doing? He had several members of his part in the ministry, there was no reason for him having not been informed.

The sorting was about to start in twenty minutes, and Dumbledore was just barely informed that Murtagh Morzansson, heir to the Morzansson family, and the Potter fortune, was coming to hogwarts, at fifteen. Not only that, but he had been placed in sixth grade level classes. The boy was obviously intelligent. Not only that, but Dumbledore was unable to expel him without the consent of his head of house. That, however, was not what he was worried about. He would have to create a reason for him to expel the boy, and than he could manipulate Minerva, Flitwick, or Sprout to go along with him.

The problem he was having was if the boy knew his heritage. Clearly he would know he who the Morzansson's are, people would be talking about it, but the question was if he knew he was a Potter. Had the memory charm worked properly? He had used one of the most powerful memory charms, and erased all memory of his seven years with his true family. Sort of like long term amnesia.

All in all, Dumbledore knew his charm had worked. He was a highly accomplished wizard, and the magic and mind of one seven year old against the magic and power of an hundred and twenty year old wizard? None-existant. He was simply getting ahead of himself.

So, when the first years were sorted, Dumbledore stood.

"Now, I know that you are excited to eat, and go to bed, but I beg you to sit for a while longer. This year ,Hogwarts has the pleasure of being able to have a mid-years student. He is in the sixth year, so please treat him well, and with respect. Now, if Murtagh Morzansson could step up to the hat, That would be wonderful.

Everyone in the great hall stared as the young teen strode purposefully towards the hat. Dumbledore saw James' head whip around so fast that he was surprised he did not get whiplash. So James' knew the name of his cousin, interesting. The boy stood still as he placed the hat delicately on his head, and stood, arms folded, weight leaning on one leg, complete nonchalance in his expression and body language.

"SLYTHERIN!" And the whole world stopped.

Dumbledore knew that the Potters had all been in Gryffindor, and sometimes rarely Hufflepuff, he also knew that many of the Morzansson's were in Slytherin, and often Ravenclaw, so he had not really thought of the chance of the orphan boy being in Slytherin, after all there were four houses, why would he be in Slytherin specifically, especially when family odds were against him? Now, the whole hall sucked in a breath as they looked at the shy, seemingly innocent newly sorted transfer Slytherin boy. He seemed nice enough, even waved to a few of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as he passed. The fact that he was in Slytherin was inconcievable. The only trouble Dumbledore had was that he knew for a fact that Tom Marvolo Riddle-Lord Slytherin-would never agree with him on anything, let alone expulsion. But it was also disregarded by the fact that the Slytherin's would tear him to shreds. Doubt entered his mind for mere seconds as the boy looked straight at him, defiance in his cold blue eyes, and a smug smirk on his lips, eyebrows raised in silent challenge, before he returned to the shy anxious fifteen year old boy. Dumbledore sputtered slightly, not knowing what to make of that last look the boy gave him. Was it really there? He questioned as he saw the boy shrink away from Lucius Malfoy.

Deciding he must have imagined it, Dumbledore comforted himself in knowing the ruthlessness of Slytherins. There was no way the boy would willingly stay a few days, let alone two years. Not to mention the cruelty the Gryffindor's imposed upon all slytherins. The boy would be gone by the end of the week, Dumbledore assured himself. Now to inform the Potters.

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