• Chapter 3 •

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I had never felt so awkward as I sidled into the Pumpkin pasty, trying to act natural but feeling the biggest creep to walk the planet. I hadn't come up with the plan but I felt like by not stopping it, I was almost as bad.

"Hey, Lily, Remus." I said, as I strode up to the counter in a vague attempt to be confident.

"Hey Dorcas, no James and Sirius today?" Lily asked me, trying to be nonchalant but there was a hint of confusion - maybe she was hoping James would pay her his almost daily visit.

"Nope, just me." I said which was a total lie. I mean, technically they weren't in the café with me but they were currently both ducked behind a bunch of old crates somebody had dumped outside, watching my every move in a 'non-stalker' way (according to Sirius anyway). I was supposed to record the conversation on my phone too but that was too far.

"Well, that's a relief," I heard Remus mutter from the coffee machine.

"Yeah, about yesterday, I'm sorry for Sirius." I said, succeeding in getting Remus to turn around and look at me when I talked, "I apologise for James too, Lily, but I feel like you're used to it by now."

"I don't mind it too much, not really," Lily said, "I just wish he would actually order more if he sits in here for two hours. Despite what he says, his presence is not payment enough. But whatever, he's fun to sort of spar with."

"Can one of you just ask each other out already?" I said, rolling my eyes before forgetting I was talking to Lily not one of my best friends and softened my tone, "I mean... if you want to..."

I could feel myself getting flustered, I was sure that somehow they would know what I was doing. I prayed for a brief excuse to collect my thoughts and luckily it came in the form of my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"Sorry, my phone just went, I'll sit down..." I muttered much to Lily's confusion and awkwardly walked away.

What's happening so far? Have you found out what he likes??? 

I could feel Sirius's eagerness flooding out from the text. I looked outside to see them both peering over the crates. They were so subtle.

No, not yet, I've got this

I texted back under the table to eliminate the possibility of anybody seeing that I was texting a group chat called "Bone the Lone Wolf".

Remus began to walk over to my table when I felt my phone buzz again.

Move closer to the window, we can't see you

Abruptly, I stood up, jamming my phone in my pocket as I got up just as Remus got to me.

"Sorry..." I said, making random gestures with my hands hoping he'd understand, "I like natural light so I'm going to sit at the window..."

"Okay..." He said as his brow furrowed. I could see both of them looking over the crates as I walked to the window and frantically gestured for them to get down. They both ducked down in unison and I had to supress giggles.

"Okay, are you where you want to sit now?" Remus said and I could see he was trying not to smile.

"Yep, lots of nice light and big windows...what more could I want?" Other than personal details about him for my best friend, of course.

"Okay, so are you ready to order?" He said in a slow voice.

"Yep, I'll have the cheesecake and a chai latte."

"Alright, I'll go grab it for you." He began to walk off and I could see Sirius and James desperately gesturing to me out of the window to get him back. I sighed inwardly, this was WAY harder than I thought,

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