• Chapter 9 •

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I was quite worried for tonight, it had been a while since I'd been on a date that had something riding on it. I had been asked out before obviously but the first date had always been boring awkward. This triple date was definitely not going to be boring, although it could end up more awkard than usual.

"Who exactly is Remus bringing to this for me?" I asked for the fifth time. I was nervous about this, it would be nice if I liked the person that they brought for me too.

"He's bringing that tall guy from the party, I know how much you liked him." James smirked at me, briefly turning away from the mirror as he did his hair.

"Funny." I said dryly although I did give a small, genuine laugh, "Did you ever figure out who he was?"

"I literally have no clue, he doesn't even look familiar."

"Well, at least if Remus brought him on the date then we could ask him. There's a silver lining to every creepy cloud." Sirius said, meticulously styling each strand of hair. Even though that would answer the question I'd been thinking about, if I saw him on the date, I would leave.

After a lot of styling and outfit choosing, the three of us actually managed to leave the house, looking damn fabulous. The restaurant was only a short walk away but I was already regretting my decision to wear my new heels. My feet felt like they were being pinched and I could already feel blisters forming on my feet. At least we would be sitting down for most of it.

We turned the corner and the restaurant we would be spending the evening at came into view. It was a large, red brick building with large windows and it look warm and cosy yet fancy inside. The walls were a sort of golden colour and it already looked like a place I couldn't afford. I hoped that maybe Sirius or James would cover me thanks to all my help in their love lives.

"Look, there they are. Oh god, I'm so nervous." James said, running his hands through his hair, destroying the style that he'd spent so long making in the mirror. I was going to tell him but I figured I shouldn't add more nerves than he already had or he might run away out of sheer panic.

My eyes scanned across the three figures who were waiting outside for us. My eyes instantly went to the guy on the end who I presumed was my date. He was short and blonde, definitely a good few inches below me, possibly even smaller than Lily who was quite short anyway. As I walked closer, I noticed that he had a sort of rat like quality to him, he looked jumpy and skittish, his head turning swiftly whenever there was a sound or a slight movement.

"Hey guys!" Sirius said, waving at the three of them. Remus and Lily's faces lit up at the sight of James and Sirius's. Lily wrapped her arms around James's neck and kissed him for long enough for it to be uncomfortable. Remus and Sirius did one of those extended hug things which was quite sweet but at the same time a little uncomfortable.

I turned to my own date who did not look particularly happy to see him. He came up to my nose which was an awkward height anyway and he was staring up at me, his eyes wide open.

"Hi, I'm Dorcas." I said, smiling through the awkwardness which was VERY difficult. It took a few seconds for his to respond although he continued to stare at me intensely when he did which was unnerving, to say in the least.

"I'm Peter, I'm Remus's friend." He held out a hand for me to shake. This was a great start to the evening, so much for finding someone myself. I don't think I could be less attracted to Peter right now if I tried.

"So no hug for me?" I joked, as the other four continued in their extended embraces. I instantly regretted when I looked down at his face which had lit up.

"I mean, you can have a hug if you want." Peter stuttered, reaching forwards. I instinctively stepped back, pushing him away with my arms.

"No, I didn't." I said quickly and his face fell. He looked down slightly, kicking his shoes in the dirt, "Oh, okay, go on then."

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