• Chapter 11 •

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"So, do you definitely think you'll tell him?" I asked Sirius who was pacing nervously up and down his living room.

"I don't know."

"And you're sure that you don't want us to be there? We've already been there for every other step of the way so why not the day when you possibly tell him." James said.

"I don't know if I'll tell him but it needs to be right and it can be right if you're here." Sirius said.

"What time is he getting here?" I asked.

"I think about ten or so. I texted him about half an hour ago but I haven't checked it. I think I got a text about ten minutes ago but I don't want to see eager - "

"Oh just check your damn phone!" I ordered and Sirius obediently grabbed his phone from the coffee table.

"There's a text." He said, his face lighting up. Slowly, however, the colour drained from his cheeks, his look of happiness being replaced by one of sheer panic. "Oh no." he said softly.

"What's wrong?" James asked as the pair of us walked over to Sirius, "Is he cancelling? You bought Mrs Doubtfire and everything, he can't cancel!"

"No, he's on his way but I got another text too that wasn't from him..." Sirius said ominously.

"Who is it then? Stop with all this mystery and just tell us.." I said irritably.

"It's Regulus... he's in town for the day for some work thing and wants to crash here for a few hours to get ready..." Sirius said, his face paling.

"Why are you only finding this out now?" I asked, standing up and starting to pace nervously. Things usually went wrong in our plans quite fast but this was some sort of record.

"Because he's my brother, he does this sometimes."

"Maybe you can lock him out." James suggested.

"He has a key and I can't lock him out because then he'd probably wait outside for ages like an idiot and tell Mum and then I'd be in trouble." Sirius said.

"Aw, Mummy would tell you off, would she?" James teased.

"Shut up, Prongs! Oh this is a disaster."

"Well, then cancel!" I said.

"I can't cancel, he's on his way and judging from the amount of kisses, he's really excited too!"

"Well, then we'll just have to make Regulus... disappear..." James said a little ominously.

"We're not in the bloody mafia, Prongs, I'm not going to make my brother disappear ." Sirius said, pacing up and down frantically.

"That would be amusing though especially if they found out that you'd been using his identity to date some random guy. They'd probably arrest you on the spot, it would be hilarious." James laughed.

"That wouldn't be hilarious because I'd be in prison! With a pretty face like mine, do you really think I'd last?" Sirius said looking genuinely horrified which made James snigger even harder, "Anyway, we're not making him disappear!"

"When is he getting here?"

"He said 20 minutes about 10 minutes ago so he'll be in here ten minutes!" Sirius whined.

"I need a time." I said, "It's twenty to ten now."

"9.50. He'll be here at 9.50." Sirius said firmly, "Remus will be here at ten."

"Okay, okay, that's fine... how about we tell him?" I suggested.

"Absolutely not, Regulus likes taking the moral high ground and he'd be annoyed that I'd used his name."

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