• Chapter 12 •

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"He hates me." Sirius said lying slumped his sofa, eating oreo ice cream out of the tub. Sirius had managed to patch things up with Regulus by agreeing never to steal his name again as well as the promise that he could stay at Sirius's whenever and wouldn't be forced to hide in the kitchen. Remus, however, would probably be less willing to forgive.

"I'm sure he doesn't..." James said unconvincingly, "Lily said he hasn't mentioned you at all so at least he's not bitching about you all the time. He's probably just a bit embarrassed too, he's a smart guy who fell for a really dumb scam."

"Is Lily okay with it?" I asked.

"Yeah, she wasn't too pleased at first as she said we shouldn't have lied but she's not mad. I think she was actually a bit impressed that we managed to fool Remus for so long even though she said it was wrong on so many levels." James said, "She told me never to get it again and frankly I agree with her, it was a lot of stress."

"That's good." Sirius said, "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if my stupid idea had messed up your relationship."

"We're still good." James said, "Has Remus replied to any of your texts or calls?"

"No, it's been a week, he's ignoring me and to be honest, I don't blame him. I would ignore me too." Sirius said, looking genuinely sad, "I can't believe I thought this was a good idea."

"To be fair, I did say it was a bad idea from the start but then I did go along with it." I said, realising quickly that this was not the right situation to take the high ground in.

"I guess the only thing to do now is to move on and find the next lone wolf..." James said.

"I don't want another lone wolf, he's the only lone wolf." Sirius said, "I should have just been honest, I messed it up, I just thought that he'd never want to be with Sirius after the way he hated me at sight."

"He didn't hate you at sight, he just thought you were a bit forward." I said softly.

"I know. I could have changed that but now I've really screwed up. He'll never want to talk to me again." He said.

"Maybe it wasn't meant to be, he did like Regulus, you were pretending to be someone else..." I started but Sirius interrupted.

"No, I wasn't by the end. I was pretending to be quiet at first but by the end I was just being Sirius but changed Sirius. I wasn't actively thinking, I was just me and he liked it, I'm sure of it.It was me who made him laugh and smile, I wasn't pretending to be Regulus by the time. I liked being with him and it was just me, the only thing I was lying about was the name." Sirius said, "I really liked him."

"Why don't you come up with an elaborate plan to get him back then? I'm sure you could think of something." James said.

"I don't think I could face him," Sirius said looking genuinely broken, "Besides he doesn't want to talk to me, I don't think he wants to hear what I have to say."

"But he might listen to me..." I said suddenly.

"Dorcas, that's very sweet but I think I should just leave it..." Sirius said which was a very in-Sirius thing to say, "I shouldn't have forced you to get involved in the first place, I don't want to force you to fix my problems for me."

"It's not forcing if I'm offering." I said, "What's the worse that could happen?"

"It can't be worse than what's already happened." James pointed out.

"I don't know..." Sirius said.

"Come on, Sirius, let me go to the Pumpkin pasty and talk to him..." I said, "I miss confident Sirius and I want to cheer you up so he can return."

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