• Chapter 4 •

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"I still don't know if he'll even fall for it!" I said as Sirius put the last of his concealer over a mole on his cheek in place. The class started at 6 and he was cutting it close, we'd probably be late by now no matter what, "The man isn't stupid, he'll sniff it out in an instance and then I'll never be able to go back to the café again!"

"See, that's why I'm staying here at Sirius's house," James said from the sofa, "I have faith in it, it's so elaborate it HAS to work but just in case, I'm staying here to keep the fort and not jeopardise my chances with Lily any further."

"Yeah, well you had a choice, Remus is expecting me and besides, somebody has to make sure that 'Regulus' doesn't do anything stupid." I said, regretting my involvement in this plan, "You sound the same too, he'll figure it out!"

"Oh do we?" Sirius said in such a different voice that I almost thought he was somebody else and jumped back slightly. I don't know how he did it but this new voice was slightly softer and higher yet more refined and pretentious. I'd only met the real Regulus once but he'd nailed it.

"...Okay, that was pretty impressive but still...." I said still slightly on edge from Sirius's impressive vocal skills.

"But still nothing. The thing that will give it away is if you are constantly freaking out that he'll suss it out. If you just act confident about it then he'll think nothing is wrong." Sirius said firmly. I was so glad to hear his normal voice again then I simply nodded in agreement even though I was still freaking out a little bit. I'd been involved in their plans before but they'd never really had a target nor where they this convoluted with to many obvious flaws.

"... Remember, just act natural. I am Regulus, the shy and aloof twin of Sirius..." Sirius prepped me as we walked to the class but I was only half listening, my mind ticking over all the problems with his plan, "You introduce it and I can lead it from there. All you have to do is act natural for just a bit when you introduce and then you can leave if you want, okay? Dorcas?"

"Huh... yeah... what?" I said suddenly being snapped out of my mental risk assessment.

"Dorcas! You weren't even listening, now I'll have to repeat myself." He scolded. "You must - "

"No, no, I've got it, I have to act natural and pretend nothing is wrong, got it." I said distantly although it seemed to satisfy Sirius.

When we walked in, the class hadn't started yet as all the people were still milling around in the lobby. My eyes scanned the room for Remus who stuck out like a sore thumb from all the others. He was leant against a wall, his nose in a book, carefully trying to blend into the background. Sirius saw him too, his eyes gleaming as he dragged me towards Remus.

"Remember, just be natural." Sirius hissed in my ear.

Act natural. Act natural. I repeated his words in my head which is why I was so annoyed when I did the complete opposite.

"Remus!" I called, my voice too high and elated, nothing like my normal voice. He looked up a little confused by my strange greeting, "I hope you're having a fine time..."

Sirius gave me a slight jab in the ribs which honestly felt a little deserved given that I'd just sounded the most unnatural I had ever been. I saw Remus's eyes move off from me to Sirius, his face instantly becoming tired and irritated. He gave me a slightly betrayed look and I refused to meet his eye, the guilt seeping in.

"I would... um...like you to meet my friend, Regulus..." Remus looked a little confused and sceptical.

"I thought you said you're friend's name was Sirius earlier today..." He said looking between us. I could feel my heart beating faster and I felt like I was in pre-school again and the teacher had realised that I was the one who'd melted the crayons on the radiator, "The one that hit on me in the café?"

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