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/Chloe's pov./

I was cleaning with Hannah when Claude comes in. "Sabrina, Alois wants you to shadow me today." He says I sigh and stop what I'm doing i turn to him and nod. I follow him up to Alois's room and inside. "There you are Claude. And Chloe." He says. "We are going out today." He says Claude starts to dress Alois I look away frankly not wanting to watch him be dressed when Claude is done dressing Alois we head outside. After Claude helps Alois into the carriage he sits next to me I look out the window as the carriage starts moving I end up playing with something in the pocket of my maids uniform... why do I keep it with me it uderly disgusts me but yet I keep it on me. "What do you have there?" Alois asks I look over to him. "Oh it's just a old ring." I answer. "Let me see it." He demands I slowly grab the ring and pull it out I feel Claude's gaze watching me I hold my hand to him opening it to show the ring.

" He demands I slowly grab the ring and pull it out I feel Claude's gaze watching me I hold my hand to him opening it to show the ring

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"Hmmm why do you have that?" Alois asks curiously. "I got it five years ago and keep it with me." I answer he nods. "Okay." He says I put the ring back in my pocket and place my hands on my lap as Alois starts talking to Claude I look out the window again. I'm honestly a bit shocked that Alois didn't take the ring from me but he does seem a bit.... bipolar. We arrive at our destination soon we start walking in the sidewalk towards the shop Alois wanted to vist. As we are walking my mind slips into thought. I wonder if he'll come after me. It's vary possible. As I was thinking I bump into someone they grab my back and keep me from falling which wouldn't have happened but it kept me from stumbling. "Forgive me milady." I raise my eyebrows and look up to see Sebastian I move out of his hold. "That's fine I wasn't paying attention." I say he smiles at me. "Well, didn't expect to see you here Ciel Phantomhive." Alois says. "Same." Ciel says. "Maybe keep your maid from running into my butler." Ciel says I look to him and mentally scoff. "Yes I suppose." Alois says. Ciel and Alois start talking a bit though civil you can here their dislike in their voice. Well Ciel's voice Alois is enjoying himself. Sebastian stands infront of me. "Lady Chloe it's a pleasure to meet again." He says I hear a faint growl out of Claude but not loud enough for Alois and Ciel to hear. "Yes it is." I say he looks at my hair. "Your hair is shorter." He states. "Yes." I say. "It looks good." He says I mentally smirk. "Well, Claude fixed my hair for me." I say he looks to Claude who is glaring at Sebastian. "Faustus." "Michaelis." They say after that Ciel says they have to leave we part ways and head to the shop.


After we finished we headed back to the manor and went inside I followed Claude as I was told and went to Alois's study after he was in his study I started helping him with dinner. "So that ring. Where did you get it?" He asks. "You should already know that." I say. "Yes, but what I'm confused about is why you have it." He says I stay quiet he looks over at me but quits pestering me.


After dinner I followed Claude to Alois's room since he wanted to retire early tonight. I look away as Claude starts undressing him and getting him in bed. After Alois was in bed we headed out to the hall. "You can do as you wish I must help clean at the moment." Claude says I nod as he walks away I go to my room and change into a black nightdress.

" Claude says I nod as he walks away I go to my room and change into a black nightdress

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I grab my sketch book and sigh I start looking back through the pages. I was looking at my work until I find one that hit something in me. I think my heart stopped I looked at the sketch of a man but not just any man the man that sickens me. My heart rate starts increasing as memories rush back I close my eyes as I start breathing heavy. I was lost in the past until. "Sabrina?" I hear Claude say but I keep my eyes closed. "Chloe what happened?" He asks I feel him grab my shoulders I keep in that same state until he holds my chin firmly and says. "Chloe open your eyes." He demands I slowly open my eyes but close them again. "Look at me." He demands I open my eyes to see his face right infront of mine he moves my head slightly placing two fingers on my neck checking my pulse. "Okay, Chloe calm down." He says I look away from him he places his hands on either side of my face making me look at him. "That's it, look into my eyes." He says I stare at his golden eyes and soon start feeling my eyelids start to close. "There we go." He says as I start feeling weak I let my eyes close and fall asleep.

/Claude's pov./

After I helped clean I went to check on Chloe when I walk in I see her breathing heavy with her eyes closed. "Sabrina?" I say but she keeps her eyes closed. "Chloe what happened?" I ask I kneel infront of her and grab her shoulders but she stays in that same state until I hold her chin firmly and say. "Chloe open your eyes." I demand she slowly opens her eyes but close them again. "Look at me." I demand she opens her eyes and looks at me still in a panicked state I move her head slightly placing two fingers on her neck checking her pulse. Oh my that's not good at all. "Okay, Chloe calm down." I say she looks away from me I place my hands on either side of her face making her look at me. "That's it, look into my eyes." I say she stares at my golden eyes and I stare right back and soon her eyelids start to close. "There we go." I says as she starts weaking in my grasp she lets her eyes close and fall asleep. I catch her as she goes limp and hold her on my lap. "Oh Sabrina what happened to you now." I say as I lift her up and walk to the bed I lay her down and take off her glasses placing them on the stand then I sit on the side of the bed in thought. I know exactly what happened but the question is why would she be having panic attack? I never knew she had anxiety problems. I knew she had problems but not enough for her to go into such a weak state. I look over to her chair to see her sketch book laying on the chair I walk over and pick it up I turn it around to what she was looking at when I see a man. A vary fermiller man. Why would she sketch him? I close it and place it down on the chair I look over at the dresser to see the ring from earlier. I walk over and pick it up studying it. Why would you have this unless-

Chloe has much explaining to do when she wakes.


Hiya Gamers! I hope you enjoyed this. Comment what you think of the book so far! Till next time...


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