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/Chloe's pov./

The black hair, the amused glint in his red eyes and worse of all that smirk. Everything about him makes me angry right now. "Not to happy to see me I see." Sebastian says looking at me. "No, not really." I say. "Now why did you contact him?" I ask. "Becuase he will be taking you to the Phantomhive manor for a while." Claude answers. "Why?" I ask keeping my cool. "Becuase if your right about Nicholas and I know that you are, the first place he'll come will be here so it's safer for you not to be here but I can't leave I have a contract here. So it would be safest if you stayed with another demon away from here." Claude explains. "No. I'm sorry but no okay I will be fine I don't need a babysitter I came here because I didn't have shelter that's all. So here's what's going to happen." I say I point to Sebastian. "You are going to leave." I point to Claude." And you are going to tend to Alois." I place my hand on my chest. "And I'm going back in my room. If you want me to go somewhere it will have to be by Force." I say I walk back into my room I hear talking and a dark chuckle. I go to the dresser and pick up my ring I sit down on the bed and sigh running a hand through my hair I place the ring in my pocket when I hear the door open. "What do you want now?" I ask Claude as he walks in. "I honestly didn't want it to be this way." He says I stiffen and look behind me to see my window open and Sebastian standing infront of it. "What are you doing here still?" I ask he walks closer. "Taking you by force of course." He says my eyes widen I jump up and head for the door only for Claude to jump in my way I run to the bathroom locking the door. "Sabrina come on." Claude sighs. "Go ahead Michaelis." He says suddenly the door gets kicked down. "Seriously?" I ask he smirks at me. "That's going to need repaired." Sebastian says I growl as he walks closer. "Leave me alone." I say he ignores me and suddenly runs to me grabbing me I fight back but he's both older and stronger then me he pins my arms behind my back. "Let me go!" I yell Claude covers my mouth. "Calm down." He says. "Wow temper." Sebastian says I growl and bite Claude's hand he pulls it away my eyes fuchsia. "Take her to the Phantomhive manor and make sure she doesn't leave without you." Claude says. "Alright then we'll be taking our leave." Sebastian says as he takes out handcuffs. "Where'd you get those?" I ask. "Faustus thought you might make it hard on me." Sebastian answers he snaps them on my wrists and picks me up. "Put me down!" I demand he just shakes his head. "No can do." Sebastian says. "Goodbye Sabrina." Claude says I just stare at my chained wrists as Sebastian starts running and jumps out the window he lands and holds me close. "Well let's be on our way shall we milady?" He says as he starts walking I sigh and look away I shiver slightly from the cold of the late evening air. "Are you cold? Your hair is still wet." He asks I look at him and simply nod. He then pushes my head closer to him making me rest my head on his chest. "What are you doing?" I ask slightly uncomfortable with the situation. "I'm making sure you stay warm." He says I soon give in and fully rest my head on his chest my glasses rubbing against his chest as he walks. "I never thought I would be helping Faustus." He says. "So why are you?" I ask not moving starting to like the warmth. "Becuase I found it amusing that he asked me and I don't think it would hurt my master so I didn't see the harm in it." He says I nod slightly I stay there listening to his heart beat I start felling my eyes wanting to close I yawn slightly he looks down to me. "Tired?" He asks. "How am I tired?" I ask. "Faustus told me he made you fall asleep meaning he took away part of the demon will to stay awake and it must have not fully restored yet but it should be temporary." He explains I nod again and start getting vary tired I move closer to him in a tired state as I slowly fall into sleep.

/Sebastian's pov./

I hold her as she sleeps it starts raining slightly but it doesn't bother me I continue to make my way to the manor with the sleeping demon in my arms. I have a feeling she will fight me constantly but I guess this will make things more interesting at the manor. I make it to the manor and walk in the back and quickly go to my room I sit her on the bed I take off the handcuffs  she curls up and shivers slightly in her sleep. I pull the cover over her and take off her glasses so she doesn't break them she scrunches her nose when I removed her glasses I set them on the bedside table just then I hear a bell letting me know the master wants me I sigh. Things will be rather busy now. I walk to the door and start walking to my master study knowing I will have to inform him about our guest.


Hiya Gamers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the amazing kiddnaping skills of Sebastian Michaelis.            
Till next time...


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