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/Chloe's pov./

I wake and keep my eyes closed. Ugh I hate feeling even slightly human. "Are you awake?" I hear someone ask I snap my eyes open to see Sebastian sitting in a chair next to me. "What happened?" I ask sitting up soon memories of yesterday come back to mind. "You kidnapped me." I say anger clear in my voice. "Technically I was asked to kidnap you." He says. "So shall we go to see my master? He wishes to meet you." He says I sigh and look away. "Fine." I say I see my glasses on the stand and put them on he nods and stands as I do. "Shall we?" He asks offering me his arm I hesitantly rap my arm in his he leads me outside and through the halls until we reatch large double doors he knocks and I hear a 'Come in Sebastian.' He takes me into the room for me to see the young earl at his desk looking at papers. "I have brought our... guest." Sebastian says Ciel looks up at me. "I see, so your the sister of Claude Faustus?" He asks I stiffen a bit at the title I don't like being referred to as his sister we are just Chloe and Claude nothing more nothing less. ".....yes." I answer he nods. "And you need shelter?" He asks. "I guess though this wasn't my idea." I say I look at Sebastian to see a smirk. "Well you may stay here for a while as long as you don't intend anything of harm opon me. Alois has been known for that kind of thing." He says. "I don't think Alois knew I left." I say he nods. "Alright, Sebastian you are to watch her." Ciel says Sebastian bows. "Yes, my lord." He says then leads me out. "Watch me? What am I a five year old?" I ask Sebastian smirks at me. "Might as well be." I growl at him slightly. "Come let's go." He says I follow him till we reatch the foyer we hear a crash and a explosion Sebastian sighs and rubs his forehead he walks to a door I follow and look around to see a burnt kitchen and broken china dishes. "What happened?" Sebastian asks the three servants look at him. "Umm well dinner was gonna take forever so I used my flamethrower." From his clothes I'd say the chief says. "I was putting away the china but tripped." For what I can tell the maid says. "And what did you do Finnian?" Sebastian asks. "Nothing sir." 'Finnian' answers. "Well praises for that." Sebastian says. "Mey-Rin go do the laundry. Bardtroy go clean the ashes from the fireplaces. Finnian go tend to the garden." Sebastian demands. "Yes, sir!" They say before leaving. "Well they seem productive." I say he looks at me with a unamused look. "They are all idoits." He says I smile slightly but quickly dismiss it. "Well I should clean this up." He says I look at the scene and sigh. "You take the brunt kitchen I'll get the broken china." I say he looks to me. "Alright." He says he starts cleaning and I start cleaning up the china.


"There done." He says I stand up. "Thank you for the assistance." He says I simply nod but then the most unusual thing happens. I sneeze. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Yes I'm fine." I say but sneeze again. "I don't think that's completely honest." He says walking to me he takes off his glove and rests a hand on my forehead. "As I thought. Your sick." He says. "What how could I be sick?" I ask. "Well, probably when you were outside with wet hair and then it rained." He says. "Yes, but how is it that I could get sick I've never been sick." I say. "It was probably from where Faustus messed with you system to make you sleep." He says I sneeze again. "Come let's get you to bed." He says I sigh as he makes me go back to the room I woke in. He goes to the dresser and takes out a plain white shirt and black pants. "Here wear this." He says handing them to me. "Alright." I say I go to the bathroom and lock the door I change into the clothes that are oversized for me of course but they are comfortable. I unlock the door and open it just barely before start coughing I place my hand to my mouth as I cough. "Are you alright?" I hear Sebastian ask as he comes in he pats my back gently I soon quit coughing I look at my hand to see some blood I groan slightly from the headache I can feel coming on. "Are you alright now?" He asks I nod and pull away from him I wash my hands and start walking out but stumble Sebastian catches me before I could fall. "I hate everything about this." I say he chuckles slightly. "Nobody usually does." He says lifting me up and getting me in bed he pulls the cover over me taking off my glasses setting them on the bedside table and walks into the bathroom he comes back out with a wet cloth. He rests it on my head. "There you should be fine." He says I groan and hold my head. "Headache?" He asks I nod. "It will get better soon." He says. "Go to sleep." He says I feel my eyelids start to close and I fall asleep.... again.


Hiya Gamers! This poor girl seriously things are just not going her way. Anywho, hope you liked!                   
Till next time...


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