I'm Safe.

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/Chloe's pov./

I sigh looking down at the piano I hear someone come in I turn to find Sebastian. "Did you write that song miss Chloe?" He asks. "Y-yes." I stutter with a light blush dusting my cheeks as I stand. "It was beautiful. But who was it about?" He asks. I know he knows he's playing dumb. "Oh, well..." I trail off as he stands infront of me. I look down. I don't feel but yet... I am? I can't go my entire life saying I never tried to feel. And I don't think I have a say in the matter. I look up at Sebastian. "Who was it about Chole?" He asks I bite my lip for a bit before finally answering in a whisper. "You." With that I leave the room and go to my room I close and lock the door. 'I can't believe this I can't believe I just said that. What if he doesn't like me back?' I hear a knock on the door soon after not reviving a reply the door handle turns I hear a sigh from outside. "Chloe, let me in." He says I just turn away from the door and wait soon I hear footsteps I sigh and walk over next to the bed. I remove my glasses setting them on the stand before I lay down on the bed and relax with my back to the window. I enjoy the soft mattress until I hear the window open. I look over my shoulder to see Sebastian standing infront of it. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Laying down." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Just to relax." I answer turning my head away from him. I soon feel the bed sink next to me. "Sebastian what are you doing?" I ask. "Relaxing." He answers I nod slightly not even looking at him I was relaxing when I feel something wet on the back of my neck. I stiffen as I feel arms rap around me and pull me closer to him as he licks my neck. "Sebastian Michaelis..." I say in a warning way. "Yes miss Chloe?" He asks innocently ask he starts kissing the side of my neck. I bite my lip to try to remain quiet as he kisses me so gently and so lovingly that I feel like melting. I soon feel him bite on my soft skin making me slip out a small moan. "Se-Sebastian?" I stutter out. "Yes?" He asks. ".....What are your intentions with this?" I ask it's silent for only a moment until I feel him pull me back a bit closer and gently kiss my neck. "What do you think my intentions are?" He asks putting his nose on my neck nuzzling it there I close my eyes slightly. "If you don't want to that is fine, I understand. It's your decision." He says with his nose still on my neck. I process his words. 'Do I want to? I know I didn't want to with Nicolas but... Sebastian has saved me so many times and helped me escape my fate... I think I might... love him.' I pull out of thought when Sebastian asks me. "Do you want this?" He asks softly. I close my eyes. "I-I I...." I stutter. "You what, lady Chole?" He asks caringly. "I... want this... Sebastian Michaelis I.... I think I love you." I confess he kisses my cheek. "That's great to hear. Because I love you too Chloe Faustus." He says happily I turn to face him and smile for the first time in a long time I smile a real smile he smiles back and kisses my forehead. "Your smile is completely stunning." He says I smile a bit bigger. He did it. He broke down the walls I hade up. I just hope I won't regret it someday. He leans in and kisses me on the lips so softly and gently and raps his arms around me slowly like I'm so fragile I'll break I kiss back enjoying every second of being with Sebastian. My one true love.


I lay next to Sebastian on my bed he gently kisses my cheek. "Thank you." I say. "For what?" He asks. "For... everything. Helping me even when I didn't want it and saving me from my fate, breaking down my walls and loving me back... thank you for being you." I say he smiles and kisses my lips gently. "Thank you for showing me the personality that you hide ever so often, and thank you for letting me in. I want you to know I love you, no matter what happens, I will be right next to you." He says I smile as he kisses my forehead. "I don't want to leave now." I say he chuckles. "I'm sure we can arrange your staying here." He says I smile and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck as he holds me tightly. "I love you so much lady Chole." He says kissing the top of my head. I have never felt so loved in my life. I have never felt loved... but I never want this moment to end becuase as long as I'm in his arms....

I'm Safe.


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter of smexy Sebby. Thanks for reading and make sure to comment what you think. Till next time...


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