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/Sebastian's pov./

I sigh as Chloe falls asleep. I hear a noise I look over at the window to find Faustus infront of the window. "What's wrong with her?" He asks. "She has fallen ill I'm afraid." I answer he sits on the side of the bed, takes off one glove and picks up the cloth so he can place his hand on her forehead. "She's running a bad fever." He says. "Yes, I know I made her go to bed as soon as I found out but she did cough up blood." I say. "That's unsettling but she should be fine." He says. "Yes, she just won't feel well for a few days." I say he nods and places the towel back over her forehead putting back on his glove. "....... Thank you for taking her in." He says I look to him. "It's fine it's entertaining." I say he just looks at her. "You really care for her don't you?" I ask he looks at me before standing up. "She's my responsibility now so I must watch out for her that's all." He says I nod. "Understood. Well you should probably get back to your master and I mine." I say he nods and turns to the window before he left he stopped. "So you will take care of her?" He asks I smile slightly. "Yes, I will take good care of her." I say he nods and leaves. I look at the girl. I can't believe it... Claude has genuine concern. I turn off the light and head to my masters study I knock and hear a 'come in'. I walk in and stand infront of the desk. "What is it Sebastian?" He asks. "I'm afraid that lady Chloe has fallen ill." I say he looks up at me. "Really? Hmmmm.... is she alright?" He asks. "Yes, she's in bed now." He nods. "Sebastian, you are to be her caretaker until she's healed." He says I bow down on one knee my tail coat flying out behind me. "Yes, my lord." I then leave the study and head to the kitchen I see Mey-Rin and Baldtroy. "Mey-Rin, Baldtroy you are needed to help more around the manor. Our guest is ill and I must care for her." I explain. "Yes, sir!" They say I turn and head back to my room and sat in a chair.

/Chloe's pov./

I woke up with a slight headache I groan and hold my head. "Ah someone's awake." I look over and see Sebastian I take the cloth off my head and try to sit up but he stands and pushes me back. "Sorry but I can't let you up yet." He says. "And why not?" I ask. "Because your ill and I'm your caretaker." He says. "I don't need you to care for me I'm fine." I say sitting up but he pushes me back again. "Stubborn are we?" He says shaking his head. "I have the right to be." I say I cough a bit and give up on getting up he sits on the side of the bed he then takes off a glove and feels my forehead. "It's getting slightly better." He states. "Great then I can get up." I say trying to get up again but again failing. "Will you let me up?" I ask sitting up again but he gets on top of me and pins me back he leans close to my face. "No." He says I just stare at him he gets off me and smoothes out his outfit I cough again then hold my throat. "Sore throat?" He asks. "Umm yes." I say. "Stay here I'll be right back." He says leaving I sigh and stare at the ceiling. After awhile I decide to get up I sit up and stand but feel sick to my stomach I go to the bathroom and start to throw up. Not a lot of course becuase demons don't eat human food so I dont have a lot to throw up but still I am.

/Sebastian's pov./

I walked out of my room and to the kitchen when I enter I see Bard holding something behind his back. "Baldroy what are you doing?" I ask. "Oh nothing Sebastian." He answer I sigh and hold out my hand. "Give it." I say he hands me his flamethrower. "Please prepare the food normally." I say. "Yes, sir." He says I put the flamethrower away and prepare some soup for Chloe. After I made the soup I took it upstairs to my room. When I enter she's not in bed I hear her in the bathroom I sigh and set the tray down. I walk over to the door and open it to find her throwing up. "Oh my." I sigh I walk over and place my hand on her back she soon stops and leans on me. "I hate being sick." She says I can't help but laugh under my breath at the statement. "I figured you would." I say she groans and just lays on me I gently pick her up and place her back in bed. "I made soup for you." I say she looks at me. "Why would I eat that? Demons don't eat human food." She says. "I know that I am one myself, but if your throat is sore it will help." I say setting it on her lap she looks at it then back to me. "Are you sure it will help? Becuase depending on how you cook it it could make me feel worse." She says I shake my head. "Shh, eat." I say she sighs and picks up the spoon and scoops up some of the warm liquid she brings it to her lips drinking it. "So, did I make you worse?" I ask she looks at me. "No." She says. "Good. Oh and your brother came a while ago and will probably come back to make sure I didn't kill you." I say I think for a second I seen a slight smile but it was dismissed. "Yes, but if you two are to loud I will kill you both." She says I laugh slightly. "Wouldn't dream of it." I say. After she finishes the soup I take the tray. "How does your throat feel now?" I ask. "Slightly better." She says I nod and head for the door but stop when I hear her start speaking. "...... thank you..... Sebastian." She says I smile. "Your welcome lady Chloe." I say I then leave the room.


Hiya Gamers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to comment what you think so far. Till next time...


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