Chapter 1: Introducing Harry Potter to Aria Riddle

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Author's Note:
Just a little disclaimer here that Harry Potter™ and its characters and original dialogue and transcript all belong to JK Rowling. The only thing I own is Aria Riddle, my characters and their backstories/dialogue etc. that isn't in the original transcript.

Aria Riddle's POV:
I was returning to Hogwarts after all these years. And this time, it was as a professor not a student. Albus Dumbledore himself had requested me to teach at the school, which surprised me, considering who my husband was.
I entered the castle and walked up the stairs, through the building coming to the Great Hall. Memories of my time here as a student came rushing back to me.
This was the place where I had met him after all.
I took a deep breath and opened the two huge doors to see students seated at each of the four tables, every single student turned to look at me.
I held my head up high as I walked towards Albus Dumbledore and the teacher's table.
Albus stood up to great me, smiling. "Aria. What a delight that you could make it."
I returned his smile. "Of course, Professor. Anything for you."
"Students, let me introduce you to your new professor here at Hogwarts, Aria Riddle." Albus said, introducing me to the students.
Whispers broke out across the hall at the mention of my last name, some of the students knowing about him. I tensed slightly but smiled anyway.
"She will be assisting with Defensive Against the Dark Arts, with Gildroy Lockhart. Please welcome her." Albus said.
The students hesitated before clapping slightly. Albus then told the students to go back to their meals and for me to sit down next to Hagrid.
"Hello Hagrid. I haven't seen you in awhile." I said smiling.
He huffed. "No. Not since that husband of yours got me expelled."
I looked down. "I am sorry for that Hagrid. I did try to tell him that it wasn't Aragog that killed that girl."
"I know. I'm sorry, Aria. It's just hard to forget what happened." Hagrid said.
I looked at him, giving him a small smile. "It's quite alright Hagrid. If I were you, I would never forgive me. I could've done more."
"Nonsense. You were the nicer one out of the pair of ya. I couldn't have asked for more." He said.
I smiled and took a sip from the goblet of wine in front of me.
The dinner went relatively quickly and I stood up and exited the Great Hall. I bumped into someone and saw a boy who looked to be in second year. He looked like James.
"Oh I'm sorry, Professor Riddle. I wasn't watching where I was going." He said.
"Nonsense. It was my fault. Completely. May I ask what your name is?" I asked.
"Harry. Harry Potter." He answered.
I gasped slightly.
He's the one who defeated Voldemort.
"Harry Potter you say? Well if you must know. My maiden name was Potter. I'm you father's aunt." I paused. "I'm sorry for your loss Harry. You're father and mother were amazing people."
"Why couldn't you take care of me when they died?" He asked.
My heart broke slightly when I heard the twelve year old say that. "I'm afraid, under the circumstances, I'm not allowed to be your guardian. I'm surprised the Professor Dumbledore is even letting me teach at Hogwarts."
"What do you mean, under the circumstances?" He asked me.
I smiled slightly. "Maybe I'll tell you when you're a bit older." I paused. "Let's make a deal, when you're fourteen, and if I'm still teaching here at Hogwarts, then I'll tell you."
He frowned slightly but nodded.
"Now I believe that it's almost curfew. I'll escort you to your common room entrance as for you not to get in trouble." I said.
I led him to the Gryffindor entrance, it was in the same place as it always had been.
"Good night Harry. I'll see you in Defence Against the Dark Arts tomorrow." I said and he nodded again.
I walked away and I heard the entrance opening. I wandered aimlessly through the castle. Not feeling all that tired.
"And what are you doing, wandering the castle halls this late at night?" I heard a voice ask.
I turned around and saw Severus Snape standing behind me.
"Now Severus. Is that anyway to speak to you elder? Even if I do look younger than you?" I smirked.
He gave me a slight glare. "We both know that you shouldn't even be teaching at this school under the circumstances."
I glared at him. "If I am not to be teaching at this school because of him then neither should you."
He merely shrugged. "I was pardoned."
I rolled my eyes. "I see. Well then if you excuse me, I'm going to go to bed. I have my first day of teaching tomorrow. I believe the first class I have is Harry's. He really does have her eyes."
I could tell that I hit a nerve. "You have no right to speak of her."
"And you had no right to do to me what you did. But you did it anyway." I hissed at him.
His eyes widened slightly as I brought that up.
"He should've killed you for what you did. But alas, Harry Potter killed him before he could."
I turned around and left Severus standing there in the hall, I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked to my sleeping quarters.
Once I entered them, I collapsed, tears pouring down my face and sobs racked my body.
Just remembering what Severus did to me hurts.
I was walking through Tom's manor, wandering aimlessly. My hand placed onto my stomach, rubbing circles on it.
I was about six months pregnant at this stage. And for once, ever since the war began, Tom seemed like his old self because of the child.
I heard a second pair of footsteps coming from behind me and I turned to see Severus walking towards me. Severus was one of the only real friends I had here.
I smiled. "Hello, Severus. How are you today?"
He had a grim look on his face. "I hope you forgive me for this, Aria."
I frowned, confused at what he meant. "What ever would I have to forgive you for, Severus?"
He took out his wand and pointed it at my stomach. My eyes widened as I tried to protect my stomach by covering it with my arms.
"Severus. What are you doing?" I asked.
"I really am sorry, Aria. But it's for the best." He stated. "Abortum."
My eyes widened and I collapsed to the ground, a stabbing pain in my stomach. I screamed and pulled my hand away from the ground and looked at it seeing blood. I went to look up at Severus but he was already gone.
I heard footsteps running towards my shaking and blood soaked body and I looked up to see Tom standing above me, looking at me with wide eyes and he seemed to have gone pale.
"Oh, Ari. What happened to you?" He asked, getting down on his knees, trying to look for the source of the bleeding.
Even though he didn't look or sound like my Tom. He still acted the same towards me and that gave me a little bit of comfort.
"Snape used the Abortum curse on me, Tom." I said shaken up.
I sobbed even more and put both of my hands to my stomach, knowing that I had lost my child.
And Tom's child.
I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his face. He was going to be so disappointed that I had let my guard down around someone. But I thought that I could trust Severus.
Obviously not.
He pulled me into his arms and stroked my hair. "Shh... it's okay, Ari. It's all going to be okay."
~Flashback End~
I got up, my hands shaking and walked over to my bed and sat down. I missed Tom so much. I just needed him there with me. But I knew that was impossible, Tom died eleven years ago, and the Tom I had fallen in love with a few years before that.
I just needed him there to comfort me and be there for me.
I sighed and got out of my dress and other clothing, getting ready for bed. I knew I was going to have a big day tomorrow so going to bed late probably wouldn't be the best idea.
I crawled under the covers and placed my hands on my stomach.
Maybe things would've been different if I had have given birth to mine and Tom's child. It could've changed him for the better and put a stop to the war.
He could still be here.
I cried myself to sleep that night. Thinking about how much I missed my husband and how we could've had a family if it wasn't for Snape.
We could've been happy.

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