Chapter 3: Tom Riddle's Diary

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Harry Potter's POV:
On the diary, it said that it belonged to Tom Riddle. The same last name as Professor Riddle.
Maybe he's her brother. No that can't be it. She was my fathers aunt and her maiden name was Potter. He must be her husband.
I frowned at the diary as I sat at my desk. I opened it and grabbed a quill from and dipped it into the ink well, letting a drop of ink fall on to the page.
It disappeared.
My eyes went wide and I checked the other side of the page to see if it had just bled through, but it hadn't. It had just vanished. I dipped the quill back into the well and wrote 'my name is Harry Potter' on the page.
I blinked as it disappeared and new words came onto the page.
Hello, Harry Potter. My name is Tom Riddle.
I thought for a second. 'Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?' I wrote.
'Can you tell me?' 
No. But I can show you. Let me take you back fifty years ago...

13th June

I was in a the hallway of Hogwarts that led to the stairwell that's leads to Myrtle's bathroom. I walked down the hallway, reaching the stairwell and saw a boy standing there.
This must be Tom Riddle.
"Excuse me. Could you tell me what's going on here? Are you Tom Riddle?" I asked.
A younger version of Professor Riddle came over and put her hand on his shoulder.
"This has gone to far, Tom." She said.
Some wizards in black robes walked down the stairs, carrying a stretcher that had a black body bag on it. The two students watched them take the body away, they had sad eyes.
"Riddle! Potter! Come." I heard Professor Dumbledore's voice say.
"Professor Dumbledore." Tom said.
"Dumbledore?" I questioned.
"It is not wise to be wandering the halls at this hour, Tom, Aria." Dumbledore said.
"Yes, Professor. I-I guess that we just had to come see for ourselves, if the rumours were true." Aria said.
"I'm afraid they are, Aria. They are true." Dumbledore answered.
"About the school, as well? I don't have a home to go to. They wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they Professor?" Tom asked.
"I understand Tom, but I'm afraid Headmaster Dippet may have no choice." Dumbledore said.
"Sir- if it all stopped- if the person responsible was caught--" Tom stuttered out.
"Is there something you wish to tell me?" Dumbledore questioned.
Aria put her hand on the crook of Tom's elbow and gave Dumbledore a smile.
"No Professor. We don't know anything." Aria answered quickly.
Dumbledore looked at the two for a moment. "Very well then. Off to bed you two."
"Goodnight, sir." The two answered and walked off.
I followed them and listened to their conversation.
"Tom. We both know that it isn't him that's causing this." Aria said sternly.
Tom stopped walking and turned to the blonde next to him. "Aria. You don't understand because you have a home to go to if Hogwarts closes. This was my mistake, so I will fix it."
"Please, Tom. Don't blame this all on him. He hasn't done anything wrong." Aria pleaded.
"Aria. Trust me. Everything will be okay." Tom said, placing his hands either side of her face.
She nodded slightly and Tom grabbed her hand and led her through the halls, I was still following them. They made it to a small doorway and Tom took out his wand.
"Take out your wand, Ari." Tom said, looking at her.
She shook her head. "He hasn't done anything wrong, I'm not going to threaten him with my wand."
"Ari, please do as I say. It'll turn out as I plan. I promise." He said.
She hesitated slightly, but then pulled out her wand. I had never seen a wand like it. The wood at the end of the wand seemed to be curled around a thin, long green gem. Maybe emerald.
Tom smiled slightly and opened the door. I saw a younger version of Hagrid quickly close a chest and turn around to look at the two who just barged in.
"Evening, Hagrid. I'm going to have to turn you in, Hagrid. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone, but--" Tom started, but was cut off by Hagrid.
"You can't! You don't understand." Hagrid exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, Hagrid. But the dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow. The least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered." Aria said softly.
"It wasn't him. Aragog never killed no one! Never!" Hagrid exclaimed and looked directly at Aria. "You know that, Aria."
Tom glared at Hagrid slightly. "Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid. Now, stand aside."
"No!" Hagrid said.
"Stand aside, Hagrid!" Aria pleaded.
"No!" Hagrid repeated himself.
"Cistem aperio! Arania exumai!" Tom said, pointing his wand at the chest.
"Aragog! Aragog!" Hagrid exclaimed.
A huge spider scuttled past me and I jumped out of the way of the spider and turned my attention back towards the other three.
"We can't let you go. They'll have your wand for this, Hagrid. You'll be expelled." Tom said to Hagrid, blocking the door.
"Hagrid! Hagrid!" I yelled as I was pulled out of the flashback.

Out of the diary

I gasped and looked around at the dorm.
What was that? Did Hagrid open the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago?
I sighed slightly and got up from my position at the desk and went to bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Aria Riddle's POV:
I was sitting at the desk in my sleep quarters looking at my wedding ring.
A single tear slid down my face and I quickly wiped it away.
Where are you, Tom?

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