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I was empty.
I had lost everything I had ever loved.
Both my husband and my unborn child in the same night.
That was eleven years ago and now, I've received a letter from the person I last expected.
Dear Mrs Aria Riddle,
I would like to request for you to come and teach Defence Against the Dark Arts along with Gilderoy Lockhart at my school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Please send an owl with your answer by June 30th.
I hope you accept,
Albus Dumbledore.
Professor Albus Dumbledore.
He was one of my teachers when I attended Hogwarts, I had thought that he distrusted me. But I guess he trusts me enough to teach at his precious school.
I shall accept and go to the school as a professor, seeing how things go.
Little did I know, when I sent the letter to accept, that I would be in for years of the unexpected.
And someone I lost a long time ago would return.

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