Chapter 5: Confronting Professor Riddle

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Author's Note:
I'm not going to lie... this most certainly is not my best work and is a little short. But I hope that you enjoy it any way. :)

Harry Potter's POV:
"I used Tom Riddle's diary and it took me back to the past. Fifty years ago to when the Chamber last opened." I was telling Ron and Hermione. "It showed me Professor Riddle, a boy who I'm assuming to be her husband, Tom Riddle, and they accused Hagrid of opening the Chamber of Secrets."
Hermione shook her head slightly. "How did they know that it was Hagrid?"
"That's the thing. Professor Riddle didn't think that it was, but Tom convinced her to go along with his plan." I stated.
We were walking through the halls of Hogwarts, having this hushed conversation when we bumped into Professor Riddle.
She gave us a polite smile. "Hello you three. What are you doing inside on such a nice day?"
"We were just looking for you, Professor." Hermione stated before Ron or I could say anything.
Professor Riddle gave a small laugh. "And why would you be looking for me? We don't have a class together today."
Hermione hesitated slightly. "We were wondering if you knew anything about the Chamber of Secrets. I mean you were in Slytherin house when it opened fifty years ago, so we thought you might have known who had opened it."
"I'm afraid not. I lost a dear friend that year, and I'm afraid I can't remember all that much that happened. My boyfriend, now husband, Tom Riddle, comforted me through most of it. But I'm afraid you can't speak to him. He died a few years ago." She said.
Hermione looked at the teacher in front of us sadly. "I'm sorry for your loss Professor Riddle."
"Nonsense, Miss Granger. It wasn't your fault." She seemed to glance at me. "Now then. Off outside you three. It is, as I said, a wonderful day to be outside."
We nodded and left the situation we were in. We walked to the courtyard and stopped.
"Tom Riddle is dead? Maybe that's how he was able to talk to Harry." Ron said.
"It was probably just a spell he placed onto the book." Hermione said, destroying his theory.
"Either way, there's only three people who really know what happened fifty years ago. Professor Riddle, Tom Riddle and Hagrid. One can't remember, one'a dead and we can't exactly go up to the other one and say, hey did you let something big and hairy lose in the castle?" Ron said sarcastically.
"Big and hairy? You three wouldn't be talking about me, now would ya?" Hagrid asked from behind us.
Aria Riddle's POV:
Severus did well with making them forget what they heard. I know that I won't admit it, but that would've been a problem for me. I do wonder how he did it though, was it a spell or a potion?
Probably a potion...
After the 'Golden Trio' walked away from me, I walked to the bathroom that now days is called Myrtle's Bathroom.
I wasn't lying when I had said that I was friends with Myrtle when she was alive. I was the only one that would ever comfort or stick up for the poor girl. Everyone was always so cruel to her...
I entered the bathroom and glanced around. "Myrtle? Are you in here?"
Suddenly a ghost of a young girl came flying out of one of the stalls and seemed to try and scare me by flying right up to my face. I didn't even blink.
"Aria Potter? Is that you?" She asked, smiling slightly.
I smiled. "It sure is. I go by Aria Riddle now days though."
"You and Tom got married? How shameful. He was always such a horrid boy." She said.
I glared at her. "That isn't what I came here to discuss, Myrtle. I just came to make sure that you would be keeping my secret from Harry Potter and his friends. And of course any one else who asks about it."
She gave me a slightly scared look. "I won't tell anyone. I swear I won't!"
"You better not Myrtle. I've learnt a lot of things since you died, I'm sure you wouldn't want to see that anytime soon." I sneered.
She shook her head quickly. "Of course not."
I smiled. "Good girl, Myrtle."
I walked out of the bathroom and wandered around the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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