Chapter 4: The Wedding of Tom Marvolo Riddle and Aria Grace Potter

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Author's Note (PLEASE READ):
This takes place in the past but isn't a flashback. It's just a part of the story that I didn't really know where to put in so decided it should just be chapter 3. Therefore, here is the wedding of Tom Marvolo Riddle and Aria Grace Potter.
Please enjoy :)

Aria Potter's POV:
Today was the day. I would finally be marrying the man I love.
Tom Marvolo Riddle.
I was excited and nervous at the same time. I just didn't really know what to expect from today, and remembering what Tom had hinted at yesterday made my cheeks flush.
I was walking with Tom in the garden. We were going to get married in less then twenty-four hours, and Narcissa said that Tom wasn't allowed to see me before the wedding as it was bad luck, so we were spending today together.
"I can't wait until tomorrow Tom. We'll finally be able to be together forever." I said, hugging him.
He stroked my hair and I could feel that he was smiling down at me.
"Yes we will be." He said.
I pulled back from his hold slightly and smiled up at him. "I love you so much, Tom."
"I love you too, Ari." Tom paused for a second. "And I'm rather looking forward to tomorrow night as well."
I tilted my head to the side slightly, confused as to what he meant.
"What do you mean, Tom? What's happening tomorrow at night?" I questioned.
He laughed slightly and leaned forward to whisper in my ear. I gasped slightly at what he said and I could feel my face heat up. When Tom stopped telling me I looked down blushing.
"Oh." I muttered.
"Do you not want to do that, Ari? Because we don't have to if you don't want to." Tom said, concern laced in his voice.
I looked at him and kissed him lightly. "Of course I want to Tom."
~Flashback End~
My face flushed and I took a deep breath, looking in the mirror at my appearance. My eyes went to the mark on my left arm.
Tom had wanted me to be forever marked as his, so he marked me with the Dark Mark. It was a painful process and he was so sorry for the pain he caused me.
The snake was moving around the skull and I looked at the way the black ink looked against my pale skin. I knew that if I touched it, it would summon Tom.
I hovered my hand over it, trying to decide if I wanted him to see me before the wedding, if Narcissa found out then she would have my head.
I was about to press down on the mark when the door was slammed open and Narcissa and Bellatrix walked in. I quickly put my arms behind my back and turned to them.
"You weren't thinking of summoning him, were you?" Narcissa asked me, walking towards me holding a black cloak.
I smiled slightly. "Of course not, Cissy. You made it very clear we weren't to see each other before the ceremony."
Narcissa handed me the cloak and I put it on. Bellatrix walked up to me.
She wasn't as crazy back then.
She smiled at me. "Here, Aria. I got this for you."
Bellatrix placed a flower crown on my head and stepped back from me and smiled.
"You look beautiful, Aria." They both said.
I took a deep breath and grabbed my wand and a bouquet of white roses. I turned and smiled at the two.
"I guess it's time to go." I said, taking a deep breath.
Every time I tried to breathe, it hurt because of the damn corset I was wearing on the damn dress.
Narcissa and Bellatrix led me out of my room and downstairs to where I would be led into the ceremony. My hands were shaking and my breathing shallowed. I started taking deeper breaths and Narcissa looked at me.
"Are you okay, Aria?" She asked me.
I nodded slightly. "Yeah. Just nervous is all."
She smiled at me. "That's perfectly natural, Aria. You are getting married to the love of your life after all."
I nodded and returned her smile. "Well then. Let's get this going then."
She nodded and motioned for Bellatrix to open the doors. The wedding march began and Bellatrix walked slowly down the isle with Narcissa following behind her. I took a deep breath and let it back out. I began walking down the isle and looked down at the ground, my face was flushed and I looked up to see Tom standing at the end of the isle and I smiled at him.
He looks so handsome.
I made it to Tom and he took my hand in his and he returned the smile.
"You look beautiful." He told me.
I could feel myself blush even more and I gave him a small smile. "You look very handsome, Tom."
He smiled at me and we turned to the minister who would be running the ceremony.

I'm not very good at writing wedding scenes so bare with me please.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the love of two people, Tom Marvolo Riddle and Aria Grace Potter." The minister said. "I do believe that they have written their own vows. Tom, you may recite yours first."
Tom took a deep breath. "Aria Potter, ever since I first met you, I have always felt what others have described love to be. And to me, I thought that it was impossible, considering the circumstances. But you made the impossible happen. You got me to love. And I love you so much. I always will. I am so happy that you have agreed to be mine forever. And I will be yours forever."
The minister looked at me. "Now, Aria, you may recite your vows."
I took a deep breath and wiped the single tear away. "Tom, you were always the mysterious one in our house at Hogwarts. The one that no one really knew where you came from, and you never let anyone know, besides me. I was the first one you truly opened up to, and for that I'm thankful. Because not only do I love you, but you make me so happy. And I would do anything for you. I will be yours forever."
"Tom Marvolo Riddle, do you take Aria Grace Potter to be your lawfully wedded wife. To cherish her and love her. To look after her through sickness and health, till death do you part?" The minister asked Tom.
Tom nodded and looked at me. "I do." He put my ring on my finger.
The minister turned to me again. "Do you, Aria Grace Potter take Tom Marvolo Riddle, as your lawfully wedded husband. To cherish him and love him. To look after him through sickness and health, till death do you part?"
I nodded, smiling. "I do." I put his ring on his finger.
"Tom, you may kiss your bride." The minister said.
Tom grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him, kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.
We pulled away from each other and the people observing us were cheering and clapping.
I looked into Tom's eyes and smiled at him. He returned the smile. "I love you so much, Ari." He whispered to me.
"I love you too, Tom." I whispered back.
We walked hand in hand down the isle and back into the house. The ball after wards was small and only with close friends.
Neither of us had family. At least mine didn't want to talk to me.
That night however, was the first time Tom and I ever made love. It was amazing. That was also the night my first baby was conceived.
Later on in the month, I would have an accidental miscarriage. But even after that, Tom and I kept trying for a baby, and eventually, I was pregnant again. That was the child that was ripped away from me, with only three months left until I was going to give birth.
But my wedding day, was the happiest day of my life.

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