How you meet 😊

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(Y/n) = your name
(Y/a) = your age
BH = Beacon Hills

I was hanging with my two best friends, Scott and Stiles. When we heard about something that had occurred at the cemetery. We decided to check it out, since we thought that Derek had been acting strange lately. When we got there, there wasn't much wrong with the scene in front of us. We noticed that the sheriff was talking with a boy around my age and an older guy, I suspected to be his father. When we got closer I knew the boy was Isaac Lahey, I've heard some disturbing rumors about his father. I've had a crush on him for a long time, about the same time as when stiles started his obsession over Lydia, (3rd grade). A lot of people would pick on him at school mostly because he would come to school with bruises and cuts all over him, and claim it was from lacrosse, but I knew in my heart that wasn't true. I don't know what hurts worse the fact that he doesn't know that I exist or the fact that know one would believe me if I told people what was actually going on in that house, it's all my fault though since I am a rebel and so it created a bad reputation on my part. I loved how shy and quiet he was. When we got to them I saw his black eye and immediately knew where it actually came from.

"Where'd you get the black eye, son?" Mr. Stilinski asked Isaac.
But then his dad answered for him. "Lacrosse". I gave him a look that said 'are you fucking kidding me?' "Really, you're seriously going to tell me that the ball was able to go through his helmet and hit him in the eye?" I was Pissed that no one else was able to see through Isaac's pain and his father's lies. Mr. Lahey looked at me in utter disbelief, and yet I wasn't sorry. Isaac looked down at me and blushed. "Excuse Me" his father raised his voice, and I stood like I didn't give a damn. "You know damn well what I said". He stepped closer to me and the sheriff put his hand up, like a sign for him to back off. He looked at me with anger in his eyes, and I just smirked up at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Isaac slightly smile, knowing his father just got told off by a (y/a) yr old girl 😉.

*Time skip* *15min later*

I was sitting in the back of Stiles' jeep with my phone, while Scott and Stiles were with the sheriff looking down at the grave that was dug. Then I hear someone say 'hi' and it pulls me out of the world of my phone. When I turn it was Isaac. " look I just wanted to say 'thanks', you...u know for whe..n you stood up to my dad, that w.was really brave for you to do so." He says so nervous and cute all at the same time, while blushing like crazy. Just as Scott and Stiles was getting back into the jeep, I get on my knees and put my hands on his cheeks and lightly kiss his left cheek while I slightly tap his other cheek with my other hand as if a comforting smack on the the back. When I pull away, I said "no problem, besides I don't like bullies", I then wink at him and he is just turning redder than I could have ever imagined. We start driving away and I look back and see him with his hand where I had kissed him just smiling like an adorable idiot.

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