After Sex 😍

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After sex, his eyes are filled with nothing but pure love for his babygirl. After he has pulled the blanket over your naked bodies he holds you tight against him. Making sure you're comfortable and not hurt in any way. Exchanging "I love yous" as you both drift into peaceful and well-earned (;p) sleep.

Liam is very big on territorial marks, what he has claimed, is all  his. After sex he likes to stay inside of you, his way of making sure no one else gets any naughty ideas. His and yours preferred  positions for this is missionary and when you're on top.

After sex, the only sounds in the room are yours and his breathing/panting. His arms are around your waist and your legs are tangled together. He's pressing soft kisses to your forehead, shoulders, and lips.

He becomes extremely protective after sex, he's worried that people may have been watching the two of you or that he may have hurt you. He's constantly checking you for injuries and asking numerous times if you're alright. After you get him to calm down he lays on the bed (still naked ;p) and you put your head on his chest, listening to his shallow pants. 

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