Alternate Reality

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  A/N: I was watching the 2003 Peter Pan movie and I got the thought: What if Tink doesn't come back? So yeah, obviously it's gonna be pretty sad but read on if you wanna cry! I guess xD


  Peter carried the cold fairy. He didn't understand what was going on. Why wasn't she glowing? Why was she ice cold? He felt something warm trail down his cheeks. The blonde haired boy didn't have to look to realize he was crying. Peter Pan laid the fairy on the ground and screamed to the skies. Why had they taken her? The fairy he loved? The one who's saved him from reality? From the world where he had to grow up and become a man? The one that had watched over him through his whole life? He screamed harder as more tears trailed down his face. "Tink! Please! Please Tinkerbell, don't leave me!" He screamed to the already-dead fairy. He knew she was dead, there was no way she could've been alive after drinking poison... She had saved him from death... The boy started to cry as he thought about that. "No! Tinkerbell please! No, you can't leave me!" He fell silent for a moment as he hugged the small fairy to his body, tears falling down his cheeks, he began to chant, "I do believe in fairies, please Tink, I do believe, I do.." He felt the energy going through him, to the fairy in his hands, felt the energy of everyone around him, they were all sad. He continued the chant, why wasn't it working? Finally, reality crashed down on him. Tinkerbell's dead. There's no way to bring her back. Peter collapsed to the ground and began to cry, keeping the once glowing fairy's body close to him.

A few hours later and word got around that everyone's favorite fairy had died. Sure, she was sometimes annoying and she blew up a lot but she was always nice and always had sweet intentions. It was just that her feelings always drowned out every rational thought. Everyone had cried, everyone was grieving. All except Wendy of course, who, even though she had no reason to be jealous, was quite happy that Tink had died that way she could be with Peter. Wendy knew that Tinkerbell had liked Peter, she could see it, but she wanted Peter. She didn't show her happiness for her death though, in fact, she wasn't exactly there at all...

Tinkerbell's sister, Periwinkle, had came. She was in denial but it processed what had happened and she actually went up to Peter and yelled at him before falling to the ground and crying on her knees, Peter didn't even do anything, he just took the screaming. While she was yelling, he had looked at the ground, tears falling from his own eyes, listening to Peri's words. Was it his fault that she had died? Most likely, he was the one that had banished her and he didn't really mean to, he wasn't even sure why he had done that. Now, he regrets it so much. Oddly enough, he started to feel a sort of hatred towards himself. He was the one that let Tink die. He was the one that was making everything worse between him and Tink yet she still saved him after all he's done. The question that surrounded his head was, Why? Why had she saved him after all he's done? Banish her? Peter felt new, fresh tears fall down his face.

A few days later and there was a funeral. Every fairy was there and crying, the Lost Boys were there also. Wendy was miraculously not there but her brothers were. Peter couldn't believe that they were there as they barely knew Tinkerbell. Maybe they were being polite. Yeah, most likely. Peter had to hold back an eye roll that they were just being polite. Tink deserves more than just that - people being polite... She deserves to have people that really care about her to be here. We all knew how Tinker bell could be and sure people got annoyed with her sometimes but they all loved her still. Peter could tell that everyone was crying even if they tried to hide it like him who was hanging his head as tears streamed down his cheeks. There was only negative energy the whole day and he couldn't help but cry.

After the funeral, Peter walked to the tree. He sat on the slide going down to the main room and slid down it, walking to his room and sitting on his bed. He sulked. He actually sulked. He couldn't help but think of Tinker bell - he hated himself. Now, Peter felt guilty, depressed and hated. He hated himself, this was all his fault. He killed Tink. That's where the guilt came in. He felt like he killed her and after all he's done to her - he was really mean to her... That's where the depression comes in. Tinker bell was there for him through everything, helped him, saved him. Many times. Now, because he was so stupid, he got her killed. He should've been the one in that coffin. Not her.

Months later and almost everyone was still not recovered. Some of the Lost Boys had recovered, along with some of the fairies but definitely not Peter and Tink's best friends. Peter lays in bed all day, barely gets up to eat, barely has fun anymore. He was turning pale and skinny - skinnier than normal. His hair stuck up at odd angles and looks like he hasn't even ran his hand through his hair in days. Peter still felt guilty, still felt depressed, felt hatred. The most movement the Lost Boys has seen Peter do when he realizes his anger and throws a fit where he throws almost everything in the tree around while he screams and cries a little until he collapses on his bed and falls asleep again.   

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