Easter~ (Lucifer x Reader)

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  A/N: I figured to do a fic with Easter and this is for my friend :3 I hope you all have a great Easter! I made it so there wasn't a specific gender so the (ss) is for if your his princess unless your his prince? :3

You frowned as you woke up, sitting up in bed and trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. It's Easter and you were a little bummed out about it because well you were a hunter. Dating the Devil. You didn't remember the last time any of you had a time to enjoy yourselves. You didn't remember the last time you had your Easter, Christmas (or Hanuka/Kwanzaa/Any other holiday at this time), New Years, Halloween or any of the holidays. Even Valentine's Day. You kept leaving hints that you'd love to celebrate it sometime but either no one got it or Sam, Dean and Lucifer didn't care. Speak of the Devil, you removed his arm from around your waist and you didn't move for a minute as you saw him shift a bit. Sliding off the bed, you go to the bathroom rubbing your tired eyes but what awaited you made you grin like an idiot.

There, on the top of the mirror, as it had a ledge, was an egg. Not a real egg, rather a plastic one. Because of the light, you could see something was in it. Your eyes widened and you climbed on top of the counter carefully, holding onto the mirror as you grabbed the egg. You grinned as you opened it, finding a small chocolate bar along with a few coins inside it. You screamed in joy and ran back to see Lucifer sitting up, alerted by your scream and you jumped on him, hugging him tightly, the egg in your hand while you buried your face in his neck. "Thank you!" You screamed, not noticing the Winchester brothers in the doorway, Dean with a gun, Sam with a knife. They relaxed when they didn't see any danger but glared at you. "Jesus, we do something special for you, you don't need to act like someone's killing you." That made you laugh and stand up, running out of your room to try and find some more eggs.

After half an hour later, you had an Easter basket full of eggs and you were still finding some. You were hungry but you ignored your hunger until Lucifer came up to you, wrapping his arms around you. "Alright, prince(ss), let's go have some breakfast." You whined, shaking your head. "Noooooo I need to find the eggs!!" He chuckled as you began to struggle against him, saying you needed to find all the eggs until he picked you up how you were and carried you to the table full of pancakes, pies, Easter cupcakes and other breakfast foods. Once Lucifer sat you down, you got up, picking up the eggs he made you drop, ("It was your fault!") before he had to pick you up again and place you at the table, feeding you the food that Sam had made.

Twenty minutes later, you whined again and struggled to get off his lap. Somehow, you had managed to do so and you went right back to looking for eggs that were hidden in both obvious and hard places. You were small so sometimes, you had to climb on something to get an egg and Lucifer would stand behind you to make sure you wouldn't fall and hurt yourself. To him, you looked like an excited child that was going egg hunting. It almost surprised him, really, but he's seen you like that before.

It was another hour later and you finally found all the eggs. You were sitting on the bunker's floor, going through every egg and putting the coins in one pile and the candy in another. Of course, half your candy pile was gone as you kept eating the candy but you could care less, eating more and more candy and chocolate. You hadn't regretted it. Well, you didn't. Until your stomach hurt like it was about to explode. So now, you were curled up on the floor, groaning in pain. You felt like you could puke but nothing was coming up. Lucifer sat besides you, rubbing circles in your back and sighing, putting the candy out of reach from you so you wouldn't eat any more. "I think you had enough candy, prince(ss)." He chuckled as he held you. You whined. "It's not funny!!"

You two stayed like that for a while until you finally felt better and were hyper again, wanting to just run and jump and do anything and everything though before you could, your boyfriend of two years had pulled you into the living room where Dean was sitting on the couch and Sam was sitting on a chair. Squealing, you ran and jumped on the couch besides Dean, Lucifer sitting besides you and wrapping his arms around you, laying his head on your shoulder while Dean played your favorite movie, a smile on his face. You were their sibling and Sam and Dean hadn't seen you like this for a while. They were thankful for Lucifer to suggest the idea of celebrating Easter with you as they got to see a side of you they rarely got to see.

Later on that night, you woke up to Lucifer carrying you to your bed. You smiled softly and cuddled him as he laid besides you. You muttered, "I love you." In the dark, you could just barely see the tinge of red and realized that he was blushing. You rarely said that to each other. Those three words that could mean so much, depending on who you said it to and how you say it. He smiled and said, "I love you too." Your heart swelled in your chest and you grinned. You felt him lean forward and you felt your cheeks heat up but a smile grace your lips as he pressed his lips against yours. Yes, you've been dating for two years but this was the first time you two actually kissed and you loved every bit of it. After you two pulled away, you both smiled and he muttered that you should probably sleep and sleep you did. That day was very magical and you absolutely loved every bit of it. Your favorite memory. The memory that will be used to help make your patronus.   

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