Miracles of Life (Septiplier)

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A/N:Pretty obviously, it's a Septiplier fanfic. Before I wrote this, for some reason, I thought of 100 Years by Five For Fighting (Check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2WGGNiC8f4) so it's going to be a little bit based on that and the beginning is somewhat based on an AU of what might've happened at PAX if Sean said yes instead of no (Unless it was Mark? I forget)

I do not own Markiplier, JackSepticEye, Matthias, Amanda, Bob, Wade, or anyone else I may or may not mention.
Trigger: Cancer and death ;-; I'm so sorry

Mark's POV
For years, Sean and I have been talking and collaborating. We've shared jokes and laughs and we've shared heartfelt moments. We've gone to each other for everything whenever we were upset or just wanted to talk. Hell, sometimes, we'd even fall asleep and wake up with each other on Skype after a long night of games and talking and heartfelt moments throughout. None of which was recorded but oh well. I've fallen for him. For the Irish loud man and for years, I've hidden my feelings for him. Until now.
We were at PAX and a fan asked if Sean and I had a crush on someone. I saw him nod, heard his voice say yes. I felt my cheeks heat up. He had a crush? Could it possibly be I? Probably not... I sigh but nod, saying, "I in fact do though I'm not going to really say their name." Their. Not a specific pronoun. SIGH. Why- A dare. That was the next thing he heard. Someone dared Sean to kiss me. Next thing I knew, Sean was above me, his hands gripping either side of the chair. Our lips melted together...
And that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

Sixteen Years Later
Third POV
It's been sixteen years since PAX and Sean and Mark were still together. They were dating. One more week and Sean was planning to propose.
There they were again, at another PAX, sixteen years since their relationship started. Sean was plucking up the courage when Mark stood up, pulling Sean in the middle of the room. Mark got on one knee, Sean's face began to heat up as Mark took out a box with a ring inside it. Sean saw his mouth moving but he couldn't hear the words coming out, tears springing to his eyes as he put his hand to his mouth. "Yes!" Sean screamed when Mark's mouth stopped moving. Mark had tears going down his cheeks as he stood up and hugged the other tightly.

Three months later and Mark and Sean had gotten married. Wade was Mark's best man while Bob was Sean's best man. It wasn't anything big or special, just a plain, backyard, small wedding. They didn't want to spend too much money or make too much of a big deal out of it even though, somehow, some fans had managed to sneak in but nobody realized until afterwards when they were looking back at the wedding photos. Amanda was their photographer as they had invited Matthias and Matthias had brought along his wife respectfully. Mark, Sean, Matthias, and Amanda had uploaded pictures of their little baby at the wedding. They had laughed off the pictures though they made a video about it later, being completely serious. They enjoyed their marriage, having dates and cuddling up to each other at night.

Two years later
Sean and Mark had been thinking about a child. For months now. Obviously, they couldn't produce a child on their own but they had been looking at the children to adopt at the child agency. After so long, they finally decided on a baby with, coincidentally, Sean's hair and Mark's eyes. After they got everything put together, the child was theirs. They put up with the crying and the screaming and taking care of the baby. When the baby grew and was soon in middle school, Sean was still a little emotional about their child growing up but their child always made sure that they loved them very much. In middle school, the child was bullied for a year before it ended because they never knew who the child's parents, just that they were both male. At the end of the year, the child was stopped being bullied after Sean and Mark found out and made a video with the child in it, it was a gaming and PSA video at the same time. The bullies stopped after seeing that.

Years later
The child wasn't a child anymore. That child was a proud, full grown adult, in college for writing and psychology. They planned on doing more psychology as their job and writing as a hobby but hey! They could always use the practice and learning. That adult had a boyfriend who in two more years, after they get settled together and after that adult graduated, would propose and a year later, would have twins with each other. Mark wouldn't be able to see the twins though as he had died from cancer the day that adult had graduated from high school. Sean didn't take it too well and suffers from depression. He takes counselling now though he'll never truly heal and neither will their fans. They will all grieve but they all know Mark's somewhere, looking and watching, it's what made Sean continue and help their child grow into an adult. Sean was there to see their wedding and to see the twins birth and he was a crying mess during both. When the children was ten, Sean had died from natural complications and everyone grieved but his last words were, "This must be the miracle of life..."   

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