The Little Mermaid (Er- Man?)

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Princess Star was walking along the board of the ship, having fun with the other crew mates. It took a couple of weeks to convince Queen Moon that Star could go on this adventure on the sea but now that she was here, she was feeling giddy. She had already explored the ship but now she wanted to explore the wonderful land below.

On this particular night, the ocean was being quite fierce as if someone has angered the ocean and now the ocean was trying to make its point. It was as if Zeus and Poseidon were in war as there were lightning alongside the oceans big waves that knocked the ship side to side harshly. A lightning bolt struck the ship and everyone went overboard and into a smaller boat but Princess Star was stuck in between the floorboards. She kept screaming for help, trying to get anyone's attention. Someone's attention. No one seemed to notice that she was on the ship, stuck and about to drown. Until she had passed out and the ship started to sink.

A certain merman was watching, not because he was curious, he was rather afraid because he wasn't supposed to be here. His friend, Jayna, had swam to the surface at the sight of fireworks one night and Marco was trying to get her back. When Marco saw the human, the human he didn't know was a princess, he couldn't help to watch her the past few days they've been on the ship. On the second day, he found out she was a princess. He was shocked but scared still. Now, he was scared. The person was drowning. Sure, they hadn't talked but he's watched her enough to like her. Panicked and scared, feeling sightly guilty, he swam towards her and saved her, hoping no one will find out. Especially his father or the King. His mother had died when he was born. He hoped she wouldn't think any less of him though.

Marco swam all night to get the princess to safety. Now, he was hoping that she was alive. He was concerned, the thought of being caught wasn't entirely flown out of the ocean but it lingered in the back of his mind. All he cared was that this human was alive. He wasn't sure how the human system worked but when she fell on her face in a stack of pillows (He heard someone say the term and point to the pillows), he saw that she was having a hard time breathing so, laying besides her, he put his hand up to her nose and felt air. He jumped at first, startled but quickly realized that she was alive and breathing. Which was a good thing. Calming down, he muttered, "Oh.. Thank God, thank God... She's alright... Ohhhh I hope no one finds out about this.." He whined quietly, not noticing the blonde starting to open her amazingly blue eyes. Princess Star had caught a peak at the one who whined but only saw brown hair and matching brown eyes before she heard a voice calling her name worriedly. Marco had heard, turning his head towards the sound before retreating to the ocean, fear and panic coursing through his veins.

Marco hide behind a rock to watch if she would be getting safely back, seeing her and who he assumed was her father go back to the castle behind him. When she was out of sight, he started turned towards the fish in the water besides him called Jackie and said, "We do not speak of this." His voice was wavering, it was obvious that he was scared. Diving into the water besides the fish, they went home.

Over the course of two days, Marco went to the surface to check up on the princess. Though, the third day was different... Marco's father was starting to get suspicious considering Marco kept leaving in a different direction and followed him to the surface. Later that day, his father got angry and Marco kept trying to defend himself but kept tripping over his words. It ended up with his father destroying his collection of pictures he had stolen off of the ship and other various items and Marco in tears, swimming very far and wide. When he had gotten to a discrete place in the middle of somewhere, he hid and cried, sending his friends out. Danger only came when two eels had came, one was named Buff Frog and the other Toffee. Toffee did most of the talking and convinced Marco to see the evil witch of the sea.

Marco ignored his friends' warning about the sea witch, heartbroken and determined as he swam with the eels on either side of him. Upon nearing the isolated place of the sea witch, he noticed a terrifying aura around the place and hesitated at first but entered either way, determined, the girl he had technically met on his mind. He heard a voice, the voice was raspy, he almost missed the words, "Come in! Don't fret!" It was Ludo. He knew because of all the legends and stories, only one thing remained, the name. He wasn't sure what to say so he stood there. He wasn't sure what to think of the octopus with a human half, it was quite an ugly image.

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