I'm Sorry (Sam x Male!Reader x Dean)

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A/N: First off, there is no Wincest in this. Second off, this was a request from another website. 

Warnings: Implied smut but you take it how you want, rushed ._. 


  You looked at the brothers in the mirror. You were in the back seat of the Impala, going back to the Bunker. The three of you had finished a simple Salt and Burn hunt to which you were grateful for as you all have been getting cases that required more research than usual which meant little to no sleep. You were tired but you wanted to keep an eye on the brothers. Neither brother seemed to notice you were staring so you watched them. Until you caught Dean's eyes in the mirror to which you blushed and looked away. You watched the trees pass and when you felt his eyes off you, you looked back.

You knew it was probably a sin. You knew you shouldn't of but you couldn't help it. Whenever you stared at the boys, your breath just left you. Your heart beat faster than it should. If you were honest with yourself, you actually loved it. So you kept staring. You kept watching. You got embarrassed whenever the boys eyes caught yours and you would look away quickly and out the window. This continued on for twenty minutes until you fell asleep.

When you woke back up, Dean was stopping the Impala and Sam was getting out alongside Dean. You yawned as you woke up, stretching and getting out just as Dean was coming to pick you up. Dean smiled at you and said, "C'mon, we're home." He said as you both went in, you were still a little groggy so you leaned on Dean and he wrapped his arm around you as he helped you inside and to your room.

You had met the Winchesters when you were on a demon case and apparently so were they. You both teamed up, caught the demon and killed it. That was five years ago. Months after, you found yourself falling for Dean. The oldest, charming brother that you couldn't get out of your head. Weeks after, you fell for Sam. The youngest, cute brother that you loved to hang around with. You knew that they wouldn't return your feelings but you couldn't help but stay and wish for their love to develop.

You stayed awake for hours thinking about you confessing your feelings to the brother - either brother. You left your room and was about to go to the kitchen if it wasn't that you heard Sam and Dean in the living room so you hid near the wall and listened. You heard your name and blushed darkly,
"Do you think (y/n) knows?" Sammy asked, looking over at his brother, fear, concern and hope in his eyes. Dean frowned.
"Knows what?" Sam rolled his eyes. "That we like him!" Sam felt himself blush and sigh. Dean rolled his eyes.
"(Y/N) doesn't know but I'm getting sick of this, Sammy. I want him in bed with me, I don't care how at this point, it's driving me crazy." Sam sighed and nodded,
"I know.. I do too." He froze as he heard a floorboard creak and you froze also. You were listening and you had moved a tiny bit but the floorboard had betrayed you. You took a deep breath and looked around the wall, your eyes widening as you saw the brothers staring at you with a hungry ache. You blushed darkly as you saw Dean motioning you to come and you felt yourself obey, sitting in between both brothers. "Y-you like me?" You squeaked out after a few minutes of silence and Sam nodded slowly. You wanted to kiss them but instead, you said, "I-I like you both..." You felt a pair of lips on yours roughly and get pushed back into another body, who you realized Dean had kissed you and Sam was wrapping his arms around you.

"Goddammit I waited for that for a long time." Dean said as you pulled back, gasping for air and Sam pulled you in his lap while Dean said, "C'mon," He got up from the couch and walked to his room while Sam picked you up and carried you to his room.
I'll let you choose how the night ended.   

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