Chapter 13

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It wasn't long before I found myself in a trance, kissing back. At first I was taken by surprise. It was passionate while it lasted, but then my common sense clawed at me. Telling me to push away. So I did. River's green eyes were a mess of emotions before he blankly hid them. His hair was a mess from where I may have ruffled it..

It took me awhile to notice he was still towering over me. I was lost. So lost in his eyes. They're like emeralds, shining emeralds that are sparkling from where the sun is hitting them. I slapped myself back to reality and broke out of the awkward embrace. I have no clue what that was, but I partly enjoyed that. And that's scary.

Top priority: avoid River. I know I can't avoid him forever, but I mean I can try.


"Don't." I harshly interrupt before scurrying away. I almost tripped over my two feet. I find Cheri and Carly talking beside the fountain. It's one of the only time Cheri has been social with us. Cheri is the first one to spot me before Carly. She waves me over and I charge at them. I sit down next to Carly and sulk. I put my head in my hands and I just want to slap myself.

"What's up Cami?" Carly blatantly asked me, they were both now facing me gracelessly. Carly was cross-legged on the bench and Cheri was sat on her knees. I looked like the only normal one here.

"River." I sighed, I have to tell someone. I mean Aaliyah isn't here to pester me about it so  I'm guessing Carly will be filling that place. Cheri looks confused and Carly looks excited.


I nod realising that this seems to be a daily thing. Well not anymore. From this day forward I shall no longer interact, look or even breath the same air as River Collins. Because he's just poison to anyone his eyes land on. He can go have Natalia, and Laura, and Anna, and Jenni- too many names to list but it's an endless list. It won't stop there. He's had more than half the school apparently, I've only been there over two months.

I'm the new girl, new bait, a new target. That's all I am. I'm just something new to try and hit to them. Not anymore.

"Girl, you're a boy magnet. You have to teach me your ways."

"No, I'm new bait for them to try."

"She has a point, Carl."

"So you're saying if I change my look I can get guys attentions?"

I instantly shake my head. I'm really bad at this. "Trust me, you don't want their attention." I warn. They are generally just a bunch of morons.


Monday morning soon came around fast. I'm laying there in my bed dreading the upcoming day. My hair is in a bunched up bun that has baby hairs flying out. My pyjamas aren't even real pyjamas, they are just jogging bottoms and a cropped plain white t-shirt. I have debated to call in sick. My mom isn't here again, so I have a choice of my own. Screw it, I'll just go in. I don't want people to think I'm ditching or anything. I want full attendance anyway. I just have to put my personal dislikes and issues aside.

I heave myself off of my favourite place in the world and head for the bathroom. From brushing my teeth to getting dressed. I'm not that hungry so I just grab an apple. An apple a day keeps the doctors away anyways.

I get into my car and drive to school. When I pull up Aaliyah is waiting for me by the entrance, she's on her phone. Her full attention on her phone. For the fun of it I sneak up behind her and scare her to death. I'm such a great friend.

"You scared me, bitch." She screams. She inhales, then exhales, inhales, then exhales. "I mean hello fellow student, what a beautiful day it is?"

"Sure, anyway I'm going to see if I can find Natalia. Coming?" Aaliyah shakes her head. Her loss.

I open the door, the usual smell hits me hard. I haven't gotten use to the smell of it. The cliques are all together. You have the nerds to one side joined by the emo kids, you have the bitches to the right aka Laura and her hoes. They are surrounding the "it" boys. Gosh, I haven't said that in awhile. River is included. I scan over them for a brief second hoping not to be seen. But it's too late. River's gaze connects to mine. I bolted out of there with a swift motion.

I end up in the cafeteria, just where I should be. I spot Natalia surrounded by two people, both female. I slide into the space in the booth next to her.

"Hey Nat." I say giving a questioning look. Startled, she turns to face me. She looks a bit flushed with embarrassment.

"Hey, this is Safiya and Catalina. Catalina is new. Safiya has been a friend for awhile, but she usually ditches."

"You caught me on my good day." Safiya grunts. Safiya has ginger hair, lime eyes and pale skin with a few freckles. Her hair is long and luscious. Natalia laughs genuinely, while Catalina and I laugh a bit awkwardly with a mix of cumbersome.

"Catalina here is a relative of.. uh.."

"River." Catalina buts in all bubbly.




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