Chapter 16

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The Daring Dragons. A gang that is cold-blooded, and owned by the one and only Michael Reynolds. Many innocent people have died. Been murdered. By the hands of my fathers gang. What scares me is his ruthlessness. And for assaulting his daughter, that's like breaking the law. But his law if it makes sense.

"You're so in for it now, Camilla. Sleep with one eye open." Via hissed at me before slithering away with her little clique of fakes. Leaving me and the asshole. Laura tried to drag him away with their little entourage but he decided to stay. And I know exactly what he's going to say.

My hand flops to the side of me as I process what just happened. I made a big mistake. Sure, it was only one slap in your eyes. But in my eyes, all hell is about to break loose. Once again.


"Only my friends call me Cami. It's Camilla to you." I bluntly reply and then turn away from him, staring at the wall hoping some miracle would save me. But of course, bad luck is my middle name. My lungs somehow find a way to breath again as I calm down. I can still feel the presence of River and I'm hoping that if I continue to stare at the wall, maybe.. just maybe he would leave. It's a long, awkward and painful silence.

"I really believed we were getting somewhere, Camilla." My blood boiled. Getting
somewhere my ass. I start fanning my face in order to calm down. Inhale, exhale. It's simple. Slowly, but cautiously, I turn to face him with hell showing in my eyes.

"Sure, River." I spit out stoically. The nerve of him to say that. If that didn't do anything, which it didn't, then I don't know what to do. Awkward is in the air right now swirling around us. I aim towards the door and start striding before he decides to blabber his mouth.

"Camilla, you're such a bitch."

My world stopped spinning and I stood frozen, staring at the blank wooden door in front of me, my hand mid air. My pulse increased as well as my heart. All nerves and pain that I had managed to bottle up suddenly rush to my brain. My eyes start to water and I can feel them. But a lump in my throat is stopping them.

It takes a few minutes to register, before I use my deep breaths to calm myself. I turn around, showing the hurt. His emerald eyes are confused. Really confused, not even guilty. No regret on his face.

"You aren't the first person to tell me." I croak, my voice sounds really groggy and tired. It's time to move, I don't want to stay here. Of course everything has to happen. My dad has to magically find me again and Via has to be with him. I always have to meet people that I like, and then leave them with no warning. I swivel back around to the door and leave. I ignore any noise I hear from behind and focus on getting home. It's only lunch, but I need to leave.

Pulling out my cell, I search up Aaliyah's number and text her.

Had to leave, see you whenever x

I don't wait for the response before I'm hurriedly barging people out of my way. I make it out alive and stride out of the doors of hell. Not looking back. I knocked into quite a few people and caused a few accidents but I didn't really give a damn. If I didn't get out of here now, I will have a break down, and that's the last thing I need. I run past the losers that includes, Via and finally make it to the car park.

I charge to my car with all the energy I have left in my weak body. Before I am able to make it less than ten foot away from the car, a pair of hands are clamped onto my wrists and I end up screaming before I realise it's only Carly.

"Where you going?"

"I don't - uh feel well, so I'm going to skip the rest of the day." I lie, don't see through the lie please don't see through the lie.

"Oh okay, I was just asking whether you were coming to the party on Saturday?" Party? I was never told about a party. Whatever it is, I will be gone by then.

"Oh right, no I won't. My mum wants me to help her out with some stuff back at home." I hate lying to people but sometimes you just have to do that.  A disappointed expression fades in on Carly's face before it is soon washed away with excitement.

"Lightbulb! I'll call your mom and ask her for you!" She squeals before holding her hand out for my phone.

Great. Bad luck.

Hey, so this is short. But I'm really busy with school & stuff.
Anyways lols
Make sure to vote & follow me!
And please please please check out my new story Bad For You. I'm really excited about it because I have it planned and everything💗
Anyway, peace out


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