Chapter 14

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"O-oh.." I stutter unwillingly. It makes sense, her familiar blonde hair and loving emerald eyes.

"I'm his younger sister, just moved here." This all doesn't make sense. The only thing that is different between them both is the fact she has more tan skin. This just turned awkward really fast. Natalia nudges me. I blink back to reality again. Safiya and Catalina are lost in conversation while Natalia displays a bit of concern as she stares at me.

"What's going on?" She whispers. She can sense it's something to do with him.

"We kissed and haven't spoken since." I whisper back with my voice a bit shaky. Natalia lets out a low gasp and then a whispered squeal. Natalia just sits there and asks me a million and one question. Catalina joins in, she doesn't know who we are talking about but she's laughing and giggling along with Nat. Safiya on the other hand is just glaring at thin air. I don't know if it's because I seem to be the centre of attention right now or whether it's because their conversation was interrupted.

"Chill out, guys. Catalina you would not be asking if I told you who it was." Catalina gave a questioning look before taking a wild guess.

"Ew, you mean my brother?" She pretends to gag. I feel my cheeks heating up. I'm so happy he isn't here right now. My avoiding plan is going really well.

Well, I spoke too soon before a pair of arms are placed around my shoulders.

"I was meant to be avoiding you." I sigh and whimper. Why does nothing ever go to plan? It can still work out I guess. I just have to play the awkward card.

"Well, I found you. Who are your friends?" He asks. Why is he acting like my boyfriend? We will discuss this later. River instantly recognised Nat and stared at her for a brief few seconds.

"You know Natalia." I glare at him but he doesn't seem to notice. He's caught by her newly shown beauty. "This is Safiya, and Catalina." His arms lifted off my shoulders and I felt relieved. As I look up he's staring at Catalina.

"Hey, brother.."

"What the f**k are you doing here?" He says mortified. I watch them both. My eyes going from River to Catalina, back and forth, back and forth. The tension rises. It's so thick not even a butcher knife would cut it. I grab Natalia's arm and we make a quick escape before River scoops me under his arm. Boys. I'm meant to be avoiding him! Not giving into his embrace.

"I need to talk to you." He whispers before returning back to Catalina.

"Why are you here, is dad back in town?" He demanded and I could tell Catalina was uncomfortable. She nodded slightly before River asked a again with a more stern expression. It kind of scared me.

"Sh*t.." He drags his free hand stressfully through his hair. Natalia just stands next to me watching the same as Safiya and I seem to be doing. River curses some more under his breath and then he tries to drag me away.

"Not so fast-"

Without warning, I'm lifted from the ground and being carried bridal style towards the exit. I'm given multiple glares and deaths stares from fan girls. Nat and the other girls are confused. Then you have the boys that are confused. We pass a few more fan girls and I decide to show off by sticking my tongue out at them like a five year old.

We reach an empty classroom. He just drops me on my ass before laughing and walking to close the door. I cross my arms and sulk. Rude ass boys.

"What do you want, Collins?"

"Referring to last names now, Reynolds?" I scoff and turn to butt scoot to the teachers spinning chair. I use the chair as a way to help me up. "Anyways, I just wanted to warn you to be safe."

"Alright you police officer, what's this really about? And why do you care? " I once again stick my tongue out at him and he just laughs while sweeping another hand over his blonde mop of hair. Damn boy.

"I don't it's just after the mall-"

"It was nothing you just caught me of guard, can we just start fresh and erase whatever we did?" I sigh, this was the right thing to do in order to get along. I'm pretty sure the fire wouldn't mind being introduced to his friends. We could all become like the awesome squads that I read in stories. It's worth a shot.

He hesitates for a minute before he shows an agreeable nod. A pained look is in his eye.

"What's up with your sister, she seems cool."

River warns me by giving me a look. His emerald eyes turn five shades darker with rage and his brows are furrowed. I'm slightly unnerved.

He finally returns back to being a sappy teenager. "Camilla, can I just kiss you one last time?"

I really don't get what he wants from me. But whatever it is can die, we need to remain just friends, not even that if it stops whatever this is.

But for some reason, I find myself allowing it. I can't stop myself. It's too late. I already say yes and he's striding over fast.

And then our lips connect for the second time.

Surprise mf ;)

I managed two chapters in one day. I'm amazing I kno lol



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