Chapter 10

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I look up into his adorable hazel eyes that are full of embarrassment. It's cute how confident River is about the perfume. Okay, Cami, chill. Let's not go too overboard. You just became friends with him again.. right?

"Anyway, I should get going, Laura awaits." He says and winks. I think I almost threw up.

"Ew, I don't care!" I act like a five year old that has just witnessed a kissing scene on television. "Shoo already." I say with a hint of sadness in my voice. He comes over for ten minutes, saves my life, and everything.. then goes straight to his slutty girlfriend. I'm not jealous though. I don't want to get too attached to someone because before I know it, I'll be leaving.

Great. Now I have my sick mother to deal with. This is gonna be one long ass argument. I stumble inside, still shocked. I'm a bit edgy to go towards her. I think mom is in the kitchen so I manage to edge my way there without tripping since my crutches are upstairs still.


"What the hell mom, why would you do that?!" I scream in her face before she can apologise. She showed confusion but I'm sure it was an act.

"What did I do?" She yelled back but not as loud as I was.

"Pushed me out of the mother trucking window!" I scream my lungs out at her. She looks disgusted but I don't care.

"Camilla Diane Reynolds, what the hell would make you think that I'd ever push you out of a window?"

I retort back with the fact that I just fell from the window and she looks worried and confused.

My mom comes closer but I stop her and scream, telling her to not speak to me and all that type of stuff. I race up to my room and push the door open. There sat on my bed is my step sister. I'm lost for words. She looks at me all snakey and sly. Via has brunette hair the same as my dad use to have, and the same as me. The son of a gun.

"What the flip do you want, dweeb?" I spit out at her to hint I don't want her here. I mean who does?

"Nothing much, sis. I just want to be like sisters." She smiles sickly. Something in her eyes tells me to not trust her. And then this weird feeling hits me. I'm about to go out on a limb here.

"You pushed me out of the freakin' window, bitch." And that's when it occurs to me that I was right. Because she pulls the proudest face ever. I dive on my bed in a way so I don't hurt my leg. I whack her one and push her off my bed. When she gets up I laugh because her hair is a mess and her amber eyes show empty anger. Meaning, I'm not scared of her.

"Mark my words Reynolds, I will ruin you." She  mocks in a melodramatic kinda way. I have no sympathy when I throw my alarm clock at her. Two birds with one stone. It hits her right in the eye and took her completely off guard. I'm in deep doo doo.

Via stands up and screams in pain as a purple bruise engulfs her right eye. She runs out the door screaming like a lunatic. It was pretty priceless. No regrets.

I open my bedroom window. "You're a Reynolds too, sucker. Rot in hell!" I say it not so loud. My neighbours think I'm an angel.. I'd like to keep their respect. Disgust reflects back into Via's eyes as she storms off into the distance. If that hoe turns up here again I swear to god. I hate her. I hate my dad. He doesn't even deserve the title of dad. So from now on I'll call him Michael, because that's who he is. Just an old man called Michael that has one daughter called Via. Not Camilla.


Rise and shine. The sun beams in through my childish curtains. Really need to get rid of those curtains. My alarm clock was broken when I actually threw it yesterday so I ended up using my phone. At least I could add my own custom music as the ring tone. I struggle to get out of bed and reach my crutches. Mom is out at work, again. It's only seven. Time to attend to my morning routine.

Once I finish the usual, I carefully make my way down the stairs and yes it hurts alright. I reach the kitchen to see a small yellow post-it note with my mom's handwriting on it.

Hey, Caramel,
Had to leave earlier today so I had no time to make breakfast. You're gonna have to get something on the way. Left money on the table in the dining room,
Mom x

Cringe fest. My mom hasn't called me Caramel in years. Not since we drifted apart. I haven't got time to be sentimental since it's seven thirty now and I'm not missing breakfast. After all, it is the most important meal of the day.

I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready. Love Spongebob quotes. I pull up to the usual, grimy place of Alisas High. The usual early-comers are grouped across the front space as independent people swarm in and out of the school. Something catches my eye. Three boys and one girl. A red headed girl, and a blonde headed boy. The three boys surrounded the girl into a tree. I can't really get there fast but as I edge closer with my crutches I confirm to myself that it is her. Again in the same position. It looks like Jase, River and Cameron. Damn delinquents. The boys have their backs to me but red head seems to notice me. I gesture a quick finger as if to stay quiet. She looks mortified. Once upon a time that was me. But something here lit a confident spark in me and now here I am, about to tell off three grown boys.

I silently limp behind River and scare the shit out of him. So much that I end up on the floor in pain as he hovers over me looking me dead in the eye.

"Alright, Collins." I whimper as my kidney starts to hurt. "You better not be doing what I think you are." I mock as the other two guys face me now and River tries to restrain himself from helping me for the bad boy rep. For a minute his eyes flicker a regret look. But then they return back to the emotionless green eyes.

"Man, she's hot." I hear someone say. I look to see Jase eyeing me up.

"Don't make me hit you with my crutch." I scold him and he turns into a lost puppy. He slightly hides behind River. Mentally laughing. "Anyway, come on girl, we've got better things to do than to hang around with bullies." I steady myself as I look right into River's eyes and say that. I walk off and red head scatters to the side of me.

"Thank you." She whispers.

We're back to step 1. Hating him.




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