Chapter 7

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A/N: It's been awhile. I had no inspiration and writers block hasn't been the best to me. Poor me, I know. ANWAY, I PROMISE TO 'TRY' AND BE MORE ACTIVE WITH THIS. I didn't upload for awhile because I've had no time and yeah. Without further ado, I take LMB off hold. Enjoy. YOU BETTER ALSO VOMMENT (COMMENT/VOTE) MY NEW STORY OR I WILL FIND YOU HONEY. I'm not joking :) K BYE ENJOY THE LONG WAIT.

I hover along with Carly to the music room. I force Carly to go in first so I don't draw as much attention as I probably would. My one mission is to survive this class and ignore River. I can't deal with all the staring. I ask Carly to stay with me but she lets me down easy. She has to work on the assignment. So do I, but I'm not exactly up for that since I only recently started recovering. A few heads turn away as I limp to my favourite corner. I don't bother to see if River or any other person was there. I just sit there with head phones on at the piano and play a tune I know. I go for Fabulous by Sharpay from HSM. I honestly have loved that song since childhood.

I hear the door faintly swing open and the loudly speaking students that I heard before had now shut up. It's Mr. Johnstone so I take my headphones off and swivel in my seat. It's not Mr. Johnstone. It's Jason and Julien arriving late. I just roll my eyes and turn around again. The door opens again and I'm certain it's the teacher so I spin again. Except this time. It's the one person that I don't want to see. River Collins. I turn around fast with my one living leg and rest my head in my hands. Of course he was here. Why couldn't he be his usual badass self and skip?

A few minutes later someone taps me. I can take a wild guess and go out on the limb that it's him.

"What?" I complain. I twist on my chair so I'm facing the person. Only to see I'm surrounded by the entire class. I quickly close my eyes again and cover my face with my hand. Why was everyone standing around me?

"Can I help you all?" I blurt out with exhaustion. It's not Hollywood. They aren't my paparazzi. I keep getting bombarded with questions about the accident and about River. Mainly girls are asking. A few guys are asking too. The other boys just sit in small groups. Including the "it" boys. Carly finally squeezes through my little interview crowd and tries to shove them off. But they don't move. Damn paps. I'm actually infamously famous right now. Beyoncé must have a hard life if I can't even handle this, then wow. Only the boys leave because of Carly. Surprise, surprise. I still have a little brigade of fangirls. They are asking stupid shit about River and my injury.

"Listen; River and I were just hanging out as a one time thing. He decided to not focus on the road and boom. Here I am four weeks later with crutches." I say extra loud so he can hear the one time part. A wave of gasps were let out and a few people turned to look at him. I didn't bother. I stood up with crutches and Carly's help and shooed people off. This time they actually left. Which was great because I had no energy for them. For a split second as the last person scurried away I caught River's eyes. He looked purely mad and evil and in that moment I knew I hated him.

I hate River Collins and nothing would change that. Because of this. He's caused a massive scar. I can't even wear shorts without being uncomfortable. It's a massive ugly line that puts me off a lot. Even if I wore ripped jeans you'd just see it. I brush off the anger that I felt. Carly makes sure I'm fine and walks away. Me, being the clumsy person I am have trouble sitting down. My leg slips and I end up falling straight on the ground. I hit my head on the chair and fell unconscious for a few minutes. I landed on the side I had my operation. The pain ended up knocking me out. When I woke up I saw students surrounding me. One in particular. River. Why the hell is he here? He lends a helping hand but I refuse. Instead I get myself up and slap his hand away. Many others surround us. I can tell we're about to cause a scene.

"Alright, chill I was trying to help." He scoffed. "You didn't need to bitch slap my hand away." He whimpered a bit and I mentally laughed at his weak hand.

"Bite me, bitch." I retort back. Yes, that is the best comeback I had. A few people broke out laughing including some of his friends. I look around at the people and give silent death glares. That shut them up.

"Okay, feisty."

"Move River. I don't have time to acknowledge your unwanted presence." I glare. He seems unharmed or phased by what I said. Little hoe.

"Whatever, Camilla. I tried." He stormed off in a mini tantrum as a gap opened up in the crowd.



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