Chapter 4

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I shoo green eyes away. Then I turn on my heel to red head, she is currently looking in awe.

"Thank you, I don't know what to say," she starts, "no one ever stands up for me." I felt sorry, this entire time, she has been bullied. I know what it feels like, I have gotten to the point now where I can stand up to people. I feel like I have a place here where people respect my decisions, and it's only day two.

"You're welcome, come and find me if he bothers you," I flick my hair off my shoulder and walk away. By now, Aaliyah and Cheri had arrived. I storm over to them still angry at green eyes. They give me a different look as if to say "who the hell peed in your cereal?", I just ignored it. I can't really explain because I don't know green eyes' actual name. I could just ask, but then again they'd wonder why I was asking and it's too much of a long story. I'm pretty sure he is one of the "it" boys though.

Aaliyah, Cheri and I are sat in a booth a just a few metres away from my previous clash with green eyes and red head. Cheri is looking casual, but gosh, Aaliyah is a mess. Her red hair definitely hasn't been brushed and she's gone for a no make up day.

"What happened to you?" I blurt out without thinking. She gives me a half-hearted smile and a look that says "last night is what happened to me". I let out a small laugh. I look over to Cheri and she's just in the corner, again. She seems so focused on something, but I can't quite make out what.

"Where's Carly?" I say genuinely trying really hard to break the ice. No one looks at me. I bet if I even walked away, none of them would notice. They both still look half-asleep. I slip out of the booth and walk outside again. There is better cell phone service out there. Swiftly, I pull my phone out of my bag. The bell could go any minute. I swipe through my contacts until I find my mother. I almost forgot to remind her to leave the door unlocked, I forgot my keys.

Once I've texted my mother, I turn around to walk inside. Green eyes comes outside. I've decided to just avoid him since he is one of the "it" boys. He walks down the stairs in my pathway. Great, he's doing it on purpose. I can see the same playfulness in his eyes that I saw before. With just my luck, my shoe is untied. So, as I step up I trip on my own shoe. But the thing is, I don't hit the floor. I hit a rock solid person. And I hope that person is anyone else but green eyes. No miracles today, I look up to see the one and only, green eyes. It's obvious the universe doesn't want me to stop thanking him.

"Thanks..what's your name?" I say pushing myself up and away from him.

"You haven't heard of me? I'm THE River Collins," he says confidently, way too confidently. So he's a hot egotistical jerk. Isn't that just the package? I roll my eyes at him and walk away, again. The bell rings just in time. First period, I have Art. I have absolutely no clue where that is, and considering my only friends are half asleep, I end up trying to find it on my own. Luckily, it was in the closest hall to the main entrance.

A week passed by and I basically learnt the school. I know it as well as the back of my hand. I had to interact several more times with River since clumsy me kept stumbling over, he always seemed to be there at the right moment. He hasn't even said a word to me since last Tuesday. As for Aaliyah, Cheri and Carly, they've been bugging me all week about going to this summer ball thing that was coming up. I told them it's not my thing, but they won't listen. And red head hasn't had anymore problems since River's little meltdown last week, which is good.

Cheri and I are sat at a booth waiting for Aaliyah and Carly to probably finish getting told off.

"Those girls can't behave for one lesson," sighs Cheri, looking at her phone again, as always. I awkwardly laugh. I'm more close to Aaliyah out of everyone. Damn! I brought snacks today and I left them in my locker.

"I'll be back, I need to go and grab my snacks," I say half already leaving. I feel Cheri nod behind my back.

I turn the corner and bump into three people. Unwillingly, I look up to see the "barbies". Laura looks disgusted and her side kicks follow her routine. I haven't got time for this, it's lunch. I elbow Laura and Anna out of my way, giving free passage to my locker and walk through it. That's when I hear many tiny clinking heel noises following me. I unlock my new locker and grab my snacks. Then turn, ending up face to face with a crazy eyed Laura, a confused eyed Kara, and a snake eyed Anna. All three glaring at me in sync.

"Look, I want food, move your flat little asses," I say, they all squeal and look at their butts. I don't even want to look down there. When they return their glares to me, I roll my eyes. If I don't stop rolling my eyes soon enough they'll get stuck.

"What the hell is going on here?" I hear a very, very familiar voice. The girls that were now cornering me had opened a pathway for the third figure to join in. If you haven't guessed, it was River. Laura puts on the weirdest pouting face I've ever seen, and then turns and hugs River. When I look at River he's pulling faces, ones that typically say, "help me". I laugh too loud because it stops Laura and she is now facing me again.

"What are you laughing at, jackass?" she says, trying to sound smooth.

"You, now, excuse me, I gotta go," I properly barge past them all and make my way back to our booth.

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