Chapter 2 Part 8 - Someplace New

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Several days have passed..

Minho and I are going out.

Not really 'going out'. But going out as friends.

We decided to hangout on his day offs'.

And pretend to be a couple in front of others.

I also agreed that we could both hold our hands together. That's it, and nothing else.

I really don't want him to kiss me.

He's not my real boyfriend.

This is all fake..

Pretending to love each other in public.

By the way, he's my first kiss.

I haven't told him though.

I don't want to bother him.

He wouldn't care even if I tell him anyways..

Everyday was just a normal day.

We ate breakfast together, took a stroll, lunch by the park, dinner at my house.

Same routine everyday..

But I never get tired of it because he's with me.

But I'm scared...

I'm scared that my feelings for him will grow even more.

I'm scared that he'll leave me after this is all done.

I'm scared that he'll pretend that he doesn't know me.

I'm scared that he'll say, "we've never met".

For short, I'm scared to fall much deeper inlove with him.

I want to stop this, but I can't.

The only one thing I can do is..

To hold back.


Minho: What's the problem? You've been sighing all this time.

His voice woke me back to reality..

Me and Minho are holding hands..


Sulli: Nothing.

Minho: What's wrong?

We stopped walking.

He puts his hands onto my shoulders and looks straight to my eyes, meeting his gaze.

I can tell the seriousness in his eyes.

Minho: Tell me.

I.. uh..

Sulli: I.. I want to go somewhere else.

Minho: Is that all?

I nodded.

Sulli: Yes..

I don't want him worrying about me.

So I smiled at him.

Fake smile.


I'm depressed right now..

Minho: So.. where'd you want to go?

Sulli: Someplace new.

Minho: Hmm.. I know!

Sulli: ?

Minho grabbed my wrist and we ran towards the station.

Sulli: Where exactly are you taking me?

I finally had a courage to speak up.

We were at the train.

Minho: Someplace new..

He winked st me, then muttered some words.

Minho: Trust me.

Trust him?

Hmm.. I'm really curious about this.

Sulli: Okay..

When we arrived..

Sulli: !

Minho: You've always wanted to go here, right?

Sulli: Minho...

I'm so happy.. and at the same time, speechless.

I hugged him uthinkingly.

Minho: !

Sulli: Thanks for taking me here in Udo, Minho.

He hugged me back.

Minho: You don't need to thank me. I know you're not enjoying yourself lately.. and I'm causing you problems.. so.. this is my way to repay you a little. Thanks for helping me, Sulli. I don't know what to do without you.

Sulli: No, I'm enjoying myself because I'm with you! And don't think yourself as a problem! I'm really happy that I'm with my bias! And yeah, I.. wait, what?

Minho started to giggle.

Minho: Do you want me to repeat it?

Sulli: Yes, please. I think I heard something..

Minho: Sulli, I don't know what do without you.

I can feel myself blushing after he said that.

We went home quietly, holding hands.

Minho: See you tomorrow..

Sulli: Goodnight..

And he walks away..


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