Chapter 4 Part 5 - 2YOTM Photo Shoot

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A message for her:

Ma, Sorry for not saying things like "I love you." each day. I always confide my feelings even though I badly wanted to share it with you. Well, sometimes you're always there when I needed someone to talk to. Even the slightest of the silliest things that happens to you, you share it with me. Ma, sorry for being the daughter who always gives you a hard and rough time. I know that on this very special day of yours, we'll be celebrating your birthday. Ma, please let us work on our ups and downs towards each other. Not just because we're family, but also, because we're friends. Ma, thank your always caring. You've been the greatest mom in the whole entire world for me. Ma, your actions speak louder than words, that's why I'm very thankful to have you. You show us that you love us towards your actions. It shows how you care and love us. Ma, we're very lucky to have a mother like you. And what I'm saying is, I love you ma. Happy Birthday and my love for you will never change.

From: Your Loving Daughter


When I woke up, I immediately went outside to see if Key's there.

Much to my disappointment, he didn't came back here in the condo.

I was really worried.

Key, where are you?

I sighed in frustration.

Did something happen?

Is it because I left him yesterday?

I'm really sorry for leaving him that day. I was just really confused. I had feelings back then when we were kids. I loved him more than just a friend. And I can't sacrifice what Minho and I have now. He's right. And it's the reason why I don't like the past anymore because I have Minho in my present. But I'm still confused. I have so many questions I wanted to ask Key. But there's something or rather, someone stopping me from asking those questions.

I stopped thinking about those things when Minho asked something.

Minho: Hey, Sulli.. what's been on your mind lately?

Sulli: Uh.. it's nothing.

I can't tell him. And even if I did or didn't tell him, I know that he knows that I'm thinking about Key.

He's just ignoring that thought because he knows that Key was my long time friend. My childhood friend. And I know there's another reason too. But none of them spoke about it to me. What am I expecting? Of course, they wouldn't tell me.

Why would they do that?

Risking friendship is hard.

"Very hard."My mind added.

All I can do is to sigh.

And Minho just stared at me, blankly.

His eyes are gazing on to me, I couldn't look into his eyes so I looked away and stood up.

Sulli: I'll take a shower. You should too. 2YOTM's pictorial is today.

[A/N: 2YOTM - 2 Years Older Than Me]

Krystal: Sulli, you haven't eaten breakfast yet.

Sulli: I'm not hungry, Stal. You should all eat up. All of you needs some energy more than I do.

I smiled weakly, then left.

I heard Krystal sighed.

I kept on walking until I reached the bathroom to take a shower.

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