Chapter 3 Part 7 - Can You Be My Girlfriend? (For real)

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I heard voices.

Sulli: Guys?

I quickly stood up and went to the door.

I heard a very familiar voice.

Is it really him?

I opened the door.

Sulli: Minho...

I hugged him tight.

Like I'm telling him not to let go.

Because I won't let him go.

Minho: Sulli... I love you.

Sulli: !

Does he really mean that?

I hugged him tighter.

Oh, no. I'm crying again.

Minho: No, Sulli.. don't cry..

Sulli: I.. I love you too, Minho. And I will never let you go.

Minho: You.. you love me, too?

Sulli: I've always loved you.

I kissed him.

He kissed me back.

Key: ...

Guys: Awkward. Hey, we better leave you two alone.

Jonghyun: Key, come on.

Key hesitated for a moment.

Then agrees.

They walked away.

Leaving the two of us alone.

Thanks, guys.

Minho: Sulli..

Sulli: ...

Minho: Can you be my real girlfriend?

Sulli: !

It's so sudden.

Minho: I know that I'm not good enough for you.. but-

Sulli: Minho, no, don't say that about yourself. And yes, I'll be your girlfriend.


Minho's crying.

Sulli: Minho? Is there something wrong?

Minho: No.. I'm just.. really happy.

He's hugging me tightly.

Sulli: Um.. M-Minho.. I.. I c-cant breathe.

Minho: Oh, sorry..

Then he loosened his grip.

Sulli: It's okay.

Minho: I'm sorry if I left.

Sulli: Don't worry.. it's fine.

Minho: No, it's not fine.

Does he know about my situation?

I wanted to ask him, but it would be too risky.

If he knows something, it would be a 50/50 chance if he tells me.

And I'm 100% sure that if he knows something, he'll definitely ask me.

I don't want him to worry about me anymore.

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