Author's Note (Please read)

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Hey, guys! It has been a long year of 2014! I'm sorry for not updating for a lot of months. I had some trouble, as you know. If you back-tracked my last updates. And alot of you (I know), might or is, angry with me for that. I am currently drinking my stress pills everyday for the past few months and going to my doctor. I haven't been in school too. I am afraid that I might have to repeat this year. But I WON'T BACK DOWN!~~ Next year, I will be 4th year, so.. FIGHTING!! If you are curious what happened about me, okay, I will share. :)


I had friends, true friends? No. They backstabbed me since we were in 2nd year HS. They had told me alot of bad things, and alot of name-calling. I had read it on facebook, and I was hurt. To be honest, I would never think of them doing that to me. Not especially the class valedictorian. I was always bullied. Kinder to highschool. I had never thought that this would happen. I was strong, but now why do I feel lifeless? Why are the people around me judging me? Telling me that I am a flirt whenever I had a guy beside me. It's just my bestfriend, childhood friend, classmate, or close friend. But everytime I go out of the classroom, I always hear them saying, "She's a flirt."  Why?


I had stopped going to school on mornings. I had stopped smiling. And I had told my mom that I wanted to transfer to another school. After that, I stopped going to school more often. We had to go to my doctor. I said I couldn't breathe, 'cause I have an asthma. I had used my nebulizer alot of times, but it didn't change my breathing. Then I had started crying in the room. "Everywhere, I cry." I had told them. "My classmates always told me that I always cry." "It hurts me.." "I hate being bullied.." She recommended me to go to a psychiatrist. I hugged my doctor. And bursted out crying.. "I'm sorry.." "I'm sorry.." Few days after, I had written a suicide note and goobye note on my big notebook. "Mom, Dad, I hate you. I hate you. I hate my classmates. I hate all of the people who are around me." I tried with a sharp scissors and a knife. I even brought one to school. I had tried killing myself 3 times.  I went home.. "Mom, promise me you wouldn't be angry?"  "I'm sorry....."

Few days after.. "Your dad and his mistress got back together. They have a child." "What do you feel?" "I feel nothing." 


"Damn! Why did you told our daughter that me and my mistress got back together????!!! *hurts mom* "She has the right to know." "And what? SHE STRESSES MORE?" "..." "AND YOU! MARSHANE! *hurts me* YOU WON'T GO TO SCHOOL EVEN MORE?!!!" "*Starts crying and stares at him blankly but tears are falling down*" I don't want to talk, please. I hate you. *Mom embraces me, as the long night continues, I just stare at the ceiling. "I can't sleep..." "Stop that!!! You're not crazy!! Stop acting like one!!!" dad shouts. I don't know.. I am not acting.. I am..always like this..


"Marshane.." mom pleading. "Finish school please. Please, just finish this school year. So we can get away from your dad. Me, you and your sister.. please..."

For now, I am still broken, still repairing, I started laughing and smiling once more. I had stop going to school for now, and writing stories, and composing songs, and singing, and playing guitar... and alot of things that I am good at.. but slowly.. I will.. I will continue my journey and not letting anyone step me, or get in my way.. 

So I am asking for your patience please.. for my update.. I still don't know.. but I will continue..

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