Chapter 3 Part 3 - Blockmailed By Yuri

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Special Part ♣ Minho's 2nd P.O.V.

Sulli pushed me.

I can't believe she'd do that.

I never saw that side of her before.

She looked at me with a stern face.

Then she went to the kitchen.

Should I go there, too?


What did I do?

Krystal: Minho, you shouldn't have teased her like that.

Victoria: Girls are sensitive!

Luna: Try to remember that.

Amber: Wow. She's aggressive!

Onew: She pushed you as if like it was nothing!

Jonghyun: There's no time for jokes, guys.

Taemin: Minho, maybe you should go after her.

Key: ...

Minho: Key?

Key: I'm not good at advices. So.. yeah. I'll just continue shutting my mouth up.

I left the bar.

Not knowing what to do.

I've got to clear up my mind.

Mixed feelings are welling up inside me.

I don't know what I feel for Sulli.

Maybe.. I should just go away..

Far from all of them.

Especially, Sulli.

Just for a week.

I know tomorrow's a big day, but..

I need to think.. I have to.

The guys are calling me non-stop.

I can't pick-up.

I don't want to talk to any of them.

I emailed my manager so she wouldn't worry about me being gone.


Subject: I'll be gone in a week.

Message: I'm sorry if I'll be gone for a while. All I ask of you is one week. I know tomorrow's a big day and I'm needed there, but I'm sure the guys could handle it without me. Sulli and I didn't fight. I just want some time alone. I need to think. Please understand me. And please don't worry.. I can take care of myself. If the guys asked about me, tell them I'm on a vacation. Thank you.

From: Minho


After that, I went home.

I packed everything I needed, then left all of my devices.

"I need to think." I thought.

Sulli.. I hope you'll be okay tomorrow..

I brought my car with me and went to the nearest hotel I knew.

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