Chapter 5 Part 2 - This Is Only The Beginning

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It's been almost a month since I last updated. So, for saying sorry, I'll create the next part of chapter 5 after this. :) Sorry.. I was just at my down fall :( I have a really busy sched, considering our projects, tests, convocations were successive. And I have a really BIG PROBLEM. </3 If you're asking if I'm brokenhearted, I'm not. Yeah, actually it's quite the part of it.. but no. I think my problem is myself and I'm talking to my teacher tomorrow for some advices considering about my problem. Nowadays, if you all knew me personally, you'd be devastated of what I was doing to myself. Like, literally, I really don't care anymore. So, don't worry about me and enjoy this part. Thank you! :)


It all happened at once so quickly.

I pushed him weakly.

We just stared at each other.

I mouthed. "Why?"

He just shaked his head lightly.

And then, I looked at Minho, who's looking back at me.

And he doesn't seemed bothered or shocked about it.

I began to tear up, but Key hugged me and wiped my tears away.

I couldn't move at all.

Key held my hand as I hid behind him and I'm on my downcast.

Key: Sorry for all of those issues of her and Minho these past few weeks. I'd be delighted to tell you a story about me and my girlfriend.

The people started to murmer and say negative comments about which or who is really the couple among us. Who's really the girl Minho is dating. And are the other members of f(x) and SHINee are couple. Is the group SNSD involved of all of these?

I know the answer very well.. Minho used me to get Yuri, even though he asked me to wait for him. But the question is.. how long?

It's been a month since SM Town debuted another group called "Red Velvet" and advised us to stay home to continue what we are doing.

Guess what? I haven't had enough time to do anything. All I did was to eat and sleep.

Well, after key told said that on the stage...


Key: Sorry for all of those issues of her and Minho these past few weeks. I'd be delighted to tell you a story about me and my girlfriend.

"The real couple."he added.

Key: She was a shy, hardheaded girl who doesn't want to have friends because she'd been believing the wrong things and hiding the real truth. And why is that? Because when we were kids, she's been always bullied by her classmates, schoolmates, and alot of harmful people that she meet. At first she would really push me away because she wants to go back to her old school. She said that she has alot of friends there, even though she doesn't even have one. The truth is, she already adept her surrounding there. Even the bullies that bullies her. But nothing has changed since she came to the school where I was in. She was still bullied, and that gave me the strength to protect her. For all of those years, I've been longing to see her. For short, I've been waiting. But we can't have a normal life, can't we?

The crowd says nothing.

Key: So, you guys understand. Minho and I are great, good friends. We asked favors from each other. And in our case, two girls we're involved. Yuri.. and especially, Sulli. I wasn't seeing Yuri like Minho to Sulli. It's actually my favor to him. I asked him to take care of my girlfriend, Sulli. And in change for that, I have to make Yuri and Minho get back together as a couple once more. Then this time came.. when they really look like a couple that loves each other, I got jealous and I wanted to get my girlfriend back. I couldn't hold back anymore. All of the pain, agony, jealousy are swelling up inside of me. All of the days that we couldn't spend with each other... it just gave me the feeling of being lonely and longing. So, up to this day forward, I am declaring that me and Sulli are an item. And an official couple in front of the people's eyes. Thank you.

He bowed, hugged me, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and then, we left.

[End of Flashback]

That's the last thing I remember of seeing them.

*ring* *ring*

Who could that be?

Mom: Yes, hello?.. Uhuh... yeah... I'll tell her immediately... thank you.

Sulli: Who was that Mom?

Mom: Your manager.

Sulli: Huh?

I immediately came near to my mom.

Mom: You have to go to the agency, ASAP.

Sulli: For what, exactly?

Mom: Remember 2YOTM?

Sulli: But I thought it was cancelled considering the issue last month?

Mom: No, it wasn't. The people wants to see you four on that t.v. series.

Sulli: Four?

Mom: You, Minho, Key, and what was that girl's name? Kyo.. Kyu?

Sulli: Mom, it's Kwon.

Mom: Ah, yeah, right. So, are you going?

Sulli: Yeah, I'm bored here.

Mom: Take care.

Sulli: Take care of yourself too

Mom: Bye!

Sulli: Bye!

Actually it was really sad to say goodbye, right? I'd rather say later. Do you agree? One thing that I haven't mentioned yet, is after that issue, between the four of us, I've been always dressing ready. So, when the time comes, like this, I won't miss it and I'll be early. I chose not to let go of him, and so, I will fight for him.


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