Chapter 5 Part 3 - Starting Today

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As promised, here's the part you've all been waiting for. ;) -Shane


At the SM building...

Manager: 2YOTM is a hit during these past few weeks, but there's a problem. There won't be a next time if we don't shoot right away.

Key: And you're sure that we should seriously shoot with the four of us? C'mon, manager!

Manager: I'm serious here, Key. I'd never ask you guys for this if it weren't worth costing.

Key: What?

Manager: The boss wants this.

Key: What the hell?!

Manager: You don't have a choice. I don't have a choice.

She said, emphasizing the letter "I".

Then she left.

Key just sighed and sat on a nearby chair in the room.

I sat beside him.

Sulli: Hey...

Key: Hey.

Sulli: You okay?

Key: I believe we had this conversation before. But, yeah..

Sulli: Yeah..

I sighed.

Sulli: Thanks for what you did though.

I smiled.

Key: It's my pleasure.

He smiled back.

I kissed him on his cheek.

Sulli: So.. we're still friends right now, right?

Key: Yep. Sulli, you're.. you're still fighting for Minho, right?

Sulli: Yes, I am.

Key: I'm glad. Sulli..

Sulli: Mm?

Key: I'm sorry.. for the things I've said.. back then.. in the hospital.. I..

Sulli: I know.. you were sorry..

Key: Until now.. I still love you.. but I think I really can't stay away from you.

Sulli: Key..

Key: Yes?

Sulli: Thank you..

Key: For hurting you?

He laughed.

Sulli: No.. for loving me.

Key: ...

Sulli: ...

Key: I want to be selfish, you know.

Sulli: What do you mean?

Key: I had always loved you.. and when Yuri did that on the stage.. I thought I had a chance.

Sulli: ...

Key: I want to be selfish just once. Could you.. give me a chance? I want us to be a real couple..

Sulli: ...

Key: Just once chance is all I ask of you..

Sulli: Is it really okay to love you both?

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