«Çhapter twelve»

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Recap: I opened the door to my house and saw broken glass and furniture.

I walked around the house and heard a noise coming from my room.

I slowly went upstairs and opened my bedroom door.

I was instantly slammed against a wall and punched in the stomach.

"Hello, daughter."

Aphmau's POV

My eyes widened in shock.

A single word escaped my mouth.


"Your not even going to call me dad? I am the reason you were born after all." He said.

"I would NEVER call you my dad! I wouldn't be surprised if YOU were the reason my fake father was murdered!" I yelled at him and hit him in the face.

He growled and rubbed his cheek.

"DAUGHTER. I don't think I like the tone of your voice." He said and pulled out a switchblade.

"N-no." I squeaked and shrank back against the wall behind me.

"Yes, I am the reason that he was murdered. I helped Elizabeth kill him. And now that I am out of prison I think it's time to see my daughter." He said with a sick smile.

I curled up into a ball with my hands on my head.

I was too scared to move.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and into my room.

"I hope you weren't going to have a family reunion without your partner in crime, Zach." A voice said.


"Of course not Elizabeth. I see you got that hideous brown dye out of your hair." Zach said.

"Of course." She said.

I let out an ear piercing scream.

Please Irene, help me.

Aaron's POV

I was driving home and heard an ear piercing scream as I passed Aphmau's house.

I jumped out of my truck and saw her front door open.

I went inside and stepped over crushed glass.

I heard voices coming from Aph's room.

"I will make you pay for even existing!" Someone said.

"And THIS is for being alive!" A woman yelled.

I crept upstairs and saw a blue haired woman and a black haired man with knives in their hands.

I crept closer to the door and saw Aph limp and on the floor with blood on her.

I looked around the area outside her room and saw a metal baseball bat.

I grabbed it and watched the people cut Aph again.

I kicked the door all the way open and the two people jumped in surprise.

In one second the knives were aimed at me.

The man crept towards Aph and held the knife to her throat.

"One more step and Aphmau dies." The man said.

"This is one of the boys that got me put in jail!" The woman said with hate in her eyes.

"I trust that you'll kill the boy?" The man said.

"It would be my pleasure, Zach." The woman said.

She ran towards me with the knife and I swung the baseball bat, only to find that she had ducked before it could hit her.

"For the love of Irene, Aphmau, did you make this mess?" A voice called from downstairs.

I smirked when the two people froze.

"Aphmau? Aphmau!" Her REAL mom called from downstairs and started to come up the stairs.

"This isn't over!" The woman hissed and jumped from Aphmau's balcony.

"You will DIE for getting in our way!" The man growled and jumped from the balcony.

I ran to the balcony and saw the man and woman already driving off in a black convertible.

I heard a gasp and turned around.

"Did you do this to her?!" Aphmau's mom asked.

"N-no! I was trying to help her and--" I started but she cut me off.

"I'm calling the police!" She said and pulled out her phone.

My eyes widened.

Was I going go to jail for something I didn't do?!

I was just trying to help her!

I'm not the one that did this to her!

"I'm giving you ONE chance to explain." She said as she tended to Aphmau's wounds.

"I was driving home and heard an ear piercing scream coming from your house so I got put of my truck and saw the front door open and broken glass and furniture. Then I heard two voices coming from Aphmau's room and I saw a black haired man, the blue haired woman called him Zach, and I don't know the blue haired woman's name but they both had knives and were hurting Aphmau with them and when you got here they jumped from her balcony and drove away." I said and caught my breath.

Aphmau's mom's eyes widened.

"Z-Zach got out of p-prison? Elizabeth too?! This isn't good! They're evil people!" She said and started pacing.

"You dont have to tell me twice." I muttered.

"Aaron! I'm gonna need you to protect Aphmau at school and bring her home everyday and walk her to the door!" She commanded.

"She hates me though. Can't Garroth do it?" I asked.

"No! I tryst you more than him in this situation. Please do this for me!" She said and started crying.

I shifted my feet uncomfortably.

I don't know how to deal with girls crying.

"Fine! I'll do it!" I said and she stopped crying and smiled.

"Thanks Aaron. I knew I could count on you." She said.


Now I have to deal with potato who hates me!

This is going to be the death of me.

At least she's gonna stop hating me..


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