«Çhapter thirteen»

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Recap: Great.

Now I have to deal with potato who hates me!

This is going to be the death of me.

At least she's gonna stop hating me..


Aphmau's POV

I don't know how long I can keep this up..

I don't know how long I can act like I hate him..

"Potato! Hurry up! We're gonna be late for school!" Aaron yelled and banged on my bedroom door.

He's been coming over every day for a month now and has been walking to and from school with me.

I feel like something bad will happen today..

I don't know why but I have a strong feeling there will be trouble when I get to school today.

I kicked my bedroom door to tell Aaron that I'll be ready in a minute.

"I'll be waiting on your couch!" He yelled and I could hear the sound of him walking down the stairs.

Ever since the doctors made it to where I could speak again I've been acting like I did before all that happened.

I still haven't spoken to anyone since then.

I grabbed my backpack and slid down the banister of my stairs and knocked Aaron over, since he had been waiting for my at the bottom of the stairs.

'I thought u were gonna wait on my couch?' I wrote.

"You took too long. Now let's go!" He said and opened the front door.

"Do you need help with your homework tonight?" He asked.

I glared at him and shook my head.

'I have better grades than you. I don't want or need help from a baka like you!' I wrote and smashed the paper in his face.

"I hate you." He said and glared at me.

I continued to glare at him the entire walk to school.

As soon as we arrived I felt uneasy and didn't move from the front gate of the school.

"Potato? You coming?" Aaron asked and tried to get my attention.

I saw something shining from the corner of my eye and saw a metal barrel.

"Potato?" He asked again.

"Aphmau!" He yelled in my ear and I winced.

"Sorry." He muttered.

I kicked him in the shin and ran into the school.

I don't know why I feel this uneasy but all I know is that I definitely don't feel safe outside.

"Aphmau? Are you alright?" Garroth asked as I ran by him.

I continued to run through the hallway and up the stairs to the roof of the school.

And there I saw the two people I never wanted to see again.

"Ah, Aphmau! You worthless little bi---" Zach said but I slammed my hand over his mouth.

"No cussing." I whispered and kicked him in the shin then punched him in the stomach.

He fell to the ground and clutched his stomach in pain.

"Z-Zach?!" Elizabeth said and went to his side at once.

I heard someone else come onto the roof and saw Katelyn there with her eyes wide and her jaw dropped.

"M-mom?" She asked when she saw Elizabeth.

"Katelyn! You shouldn't be here! I don't want to kill you too! Oh wait! I do!" Elizabeth said and pointed a gun at katelyn.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Someone yelled and I saw Travis jump in front of Katelyn as Elizabeth pulled the trigger.

Fortunately Travis pulled Katelyn down with him as he fell and neither of them got hurt.

"Katelyn!? Are you okay?!" Travis asked as he sat up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Katelyn said and I motioned for them both to leave.

As soon as Katelyn and Travis left Zach was back up and pulled something out of his pocket.

I sprinted scross the roof until I got to the edge.

I backed up until my heels were right at the edge and waited.

Zach and Elizabeth both ran at me with knives in their hands.

Just as they got to the edge I ducked and tripped them, sending them both over the edge of the roof.

I heard their screams as they fell and casually walked back inside and went to the courtyard.

I saw that they had both landed in a bush at the bottom and were completely unharmed.

Well, almost.

They had a few cuts and scrapes from the bush but other than that they're fine.

Aaron immediately ran over to me.

"Aphmau! Are you okay?!" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

I nodded and he sighed in relief.

Wonder why...

I mean, I'm acting as though I hate him so it will be easier to handle my feelings.

"Hey Aph?" He asked.

I looked up at him and arched one eyebrow.

"What exactly happened up there?" He asked.

I took out my notebook and wrote a few words down.

'Ask katelyn. She saw the whole thing.'

Then the bell rang.

I ran to class and put my things in the seat next to me so Aaron wouldn't sit there.

He walked into the classroom and sat behind me instead.

Why do I have to have so many classes with him?

I don't know how much longer I can handle these feelings.

My heart feels like it's gonna pound out of my chest.

I don't know what I should call this feeling.

Is it...


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