Çhapter Twentÿ Seven

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A/N: This chapter will be depressing and will contain self harm. It will also contain suicidal thoughts and/or actions. Thanks for reading this warning. Skip the chapter if it makes you uncomfortable to read this. (NO, I don't support this, so PLEASE don't go thinking that. Thanks.)

Recap:  "If Aph were still here, she would kill me for letting anything happen to Sigherra." I mumbled with a dry laugh.

"Oh! What happened here?" A voice asked and I saw Cameron looking at us....

With red 'paint' on his hands...

Aaron's POV

I called an ambulance and told them where to meet up with us.

Lola and I brought Sigherra to the front of the school just as the ambulance arrived.

"Who's that?"

"Is that blood?!"

"Oh my Irene! That girl is bleeding!"

"I wonder if she's suicidal?"

"Must be, or the blood wouldn't be so severe."

"She's probably the most pathetic person in this school."

"She must be a freak."

"A mistake."

"I bet whatever happened to her, she deserves."

I heard people around me say, and my body shook with rage.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled and a few kids shrieked in surprise, "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER SO STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS!"

"Aaron," Lola started, and placed a hand on my arm, "Calm down."

I could sense my eyes going red and I heard her gasp as she looked at them.

"Your... like me." She whispered.

I ignored what she said and looked back at Sigherra.

We put her in the ambulance and the paramedics tried to keep us from getting in the ambulance with her.

"SHE'S MY FRIEND YOU BAKAS!" Lola hissed and pulled their hair, "And she's the best friend of his dead girlfriend. You'd BETTER let us come with you, or so help me I will get the chancla."

One of the paramedics gave an exasperated sigh and let us into the ambulance.

"Let me come too!" A voice called, and I saw Cameron, "I'm her friend!"

"Sorry kid. We only have enough room for two people." The first paramedic said.

They closed the ambulance door as Lola and I got in and there was a long awkward silence as Lola and I watched Sigherra's heart rate go steadily for a while before dropping, making our blood run cold.

Thankfully, we arrived at the Phoenix Drop hospital, and they took Sigherra to the Emergency Room.

When Lola and I tried to go with them, we were pushed back and told to wait and be patient.

"I'll be right back." I muttered, and stood up to leave the waiting room.

A/N: There will be a small amount of self harm here, skip if uncomfortable with it

I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

Since I'd been feeling depressed lately, I'd been carrying a small blade with me wherever I went. (I do NOT do this btw, just part of the story for Aaron)

I pushed up the sleeve of my red hoodie and angled the blade on my wrist before pushing down, watching it slice slowly into my skin.

At first, there was just a small line of blood until I pushed down onto the blade more.

The thin scarlet line grew thicker and darker as blood trailed down my wrist and onto the floor.

"This," I muttered, as I made the first cut larger, "Is for Aphmau, the person who deserved to live a long, happy life, and not die the way she did."

I slowly made another cut along my wrist.

"And this," I said as I continued with the second cut, "Is for Melissa, the best sister to ever live."

"And THIS," I said, making a third cut, "Is for Sigherra, who deserves to live longer, and not die so early in life."

There was now a large puddle of blood by my feet

I just want it all to be over.

I hate my life.

Everyone I care about is dead....

So why aren't I....??

What makes my life worth living?

What makes me any different from them?

Why should I live instead of Aph and Melissa?

I should just---

"Aaron? Open the door! (Sorry Lola, you bout to cuss) God dammit Aaron! If your cutting yourself, I swear I'm gonna break down this door right here and now and kick your ass!" Lola yelled.

I forgot we were in the hospital...

I cleaned up the blood and hid my cuts before walking out of the bathroom and back into the waiting room.

"Aaron, what the hell were you thinking?!" Lola asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

"You were cutting yourself! I know it!" She said and grabbed my wrist, causing me to hiss in pain.

She laughed, but it wasn't friendly.

"Ha! I knew it!" She growled, "YOUR cutting!"

Several doctors looked out way and I scowled at Lola.

"Stay out of my business." I snapped and my eyes flashed red.

"Whatever." She hissed and sat down.

The doctor came out of the Emergency Room.

"Is she alright?" I asked, jumping to my feet.

"She's fine. For now." The doctor said, hesitantly.

"What do you mean, 'for now'!? IS SHE GONNA BE OKAY OR NOT?!" I growled.

"The thing is...." The doctor started but trailed off.

"TELL US!" Lola screeched at him, causing him to flinch.

"... She.... she's in a coma... she's not expected to wake up anytime soon." He said and I lost it.

I punched him in the face and yelled, "TRY HARDER! GET HER TO WAKE UP! HELP HER-"

Lola yanked me away from the doctor and looked at me, her eyes blazing red.

"Listen to me you (sorry Lola) dumb Fuck," she started, "I understand this situation is hard for you, bud you need to control your anger and call the hell down!"

She slapped me, tur ed on her heel, and walked away.

"Besh." I muttered.

"DON'T MAKE ME GET THE CHANCLA!" I heard her screech as something bard flew and hit me in the face.

It landed on the ground in front of me and I looked down to see a sandal..

👡 "I TOLD YOU I HAD THE CHANCLA!" Lola screeched and left.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

(This is not a Aarerra ship thingy or whatever the ship name would be. M'kay?)

"Only for a little while. Her condition is stable for now, granted she's in a coma, but I don't know how long it will last. Sigherra might die."

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