Chapter 12: GOT7 Dorm Invitation

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"Hi, Hee Young," Youngjae smiles a bit at me. Oh, it is him. What is he doing here?

"Why are you here?" I asked him in wonders. He is alone though.

"Uh.. I just want to say thank you for the vitamins you gave me," he said, "I haven't say thank you to you,"

"Oh," I nodded, "Don't mention it, Oppa. It is nothing,"

Youngjae smiles again, this time is wider. Omo, he is not bad.

"Your voice was really good," he said again, "It was better than the audition. The song was really touching,"

My face turns red, I can feel it. Oh no, why am I always blushed whenever someone is praising me? Thsi is very ridiculous!

"Thank you, oppa.  But I don't think that it was that good," I said.

His face changed, "Why did you say that? Don't you realize that your voice is really awesome?"

He keeps on praising me! I hope my face is not really red.

"Anyway," he opened another conversation, "Tomorrow morning, the special trainees will start the day with a vocal lesson. I was told by Mr. Kim, the schedule holder."

'"Oh, really?" I am glad that it is not a dance lesson. I don't think I can dance after what I had today.

He nodded while smiling, "Yeah. Actually, you were supposed to have a morning dance class, but it was switched. So, singing class tomorrow morning. GOT7 will join too,"

"Huh? How come GOT7 joins the trainee class?" I asked.

"Because you are a special trainee. We don't usually combine the class of trainee and debut kids, but since you and your friends are in special trainee class, we can have same classes," he explained.

Wow. WOW! I can have the same classes with GOT7?!

"Hope we can sing together tomorrow. The teacher will usually paired us in groups and ask us to sing something," he added.

Oh, Youngjae is the best singer in GOT7 right? That is awesome. I think I will be nice to sing with him.

"Wow, that is great. I'm looking forward to that," I answer him, smiling as well, "Okay, oppa. You came to say these things only right? You should go back to your dorm,"

He raised his eyes quickly, "Um, not really,"

"Is there something else you want to say?" I asked him. I am really sleepy actually, I really want to have a nice warm bath and go to sleep straight away.

"Uhh.. Bambam ordered pizza, and JR brought a horror movie. So.. we're having a small party in our dorm." he said to me. He is laughing after that.

"Oh.." I raised my eyes, "That sounds really fun,"

I really envy GOT7 members. They are really closed to each other, and they always know how to have fun. I mean,  pizza party and movie night? That is great!

"Actually, they asked me to invite you. Since your performance was really awesome," he smirked at me.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds. They... invite me??? Hell yeah, I really want to go! 

"Umm, you guys want me to come? Really?" I stared at him.

"Actually.." he scratched his back, "Bambam, Jackson, and Yugyeom were demanding for you,"

Ah, those boys. They are really funny. And.. I got lucky, I know. Being friends with these boys is a big thing. I never expect this.

"Are girls allowed to go to boys dorm?" I want to make sure.

GOT7 FanFic: MY MELODY (Mark Tuan)Where stories live. Discover now